~7k Oneshot Special~

795 9 2

(A/N: Hey lovelies! Here it is! The 7k Oneshot Special! Just a reminder that this is only 2k words because I started the wordcount over again after the 5k Oneshot Special. This took me a while for reasons I'll explain below but I'm so glad it's finally finished. The song I listened to the most while writing this was 'You Oughta Know' by Alanis Morissette so I'd recommend giving it a listen. Just be warned it has explicit lyrics! Anyway, on with the oneshot! I hope you lovelies like it!)

italics = emphasis

" = dialogue

Y/N - Your name

Y/L/N - Your last name

E/B/N - Ex-boyfriend's name

       I was rudely awakened by my alarm blaring at me. I slammed my fist down on it and burrowed my head back into my pillow. It was my own fault for forgetting to turn it off for the long weekend but I was too tired and sad to care. A lot had happened in the past few days and it had all started to catch up with me.

       My boyfriend and I had broken up on Wednesday after being together for four months. It came out of nowhere and I'm still kind of reeling from it. We had been on our four month anniversary date and everything had been perfect. That is, until I said I loved him and his response was to tell me he'd been hooking up with some girl on the swim team. Needless to say, things ended there.

       I wanted to wallow so badly but I was able to keep it together for the rest of the week. Now, though, it was the long weekend. And I was ready to wallow. The only problem was Connie and Julie couldn't be here to wallow with me. Connie's cousin was getting married and Julie was home visiting family for the long weekend. So the past two days I'd had to wallow alone.

        I'd spent the first day crying. I just couldn't stop no matter how much I wanted to. I mean, I loved the creep a few days ago. It wasn't going to go away overnight. So that first day had been spent in bed, tears streaming down my face and sobs wracking my body. 

       The second day, I'd binged on TV and ice cream. Nothing else appealed to me except for the sweet frozen treat and I wasn't about to deny myself comfort over something so insignificant as calories. There'd even been a 'Boy Meets World' marathon on for the long weekend. I'd had to turn it off after a while though because watching Cory and Topanga be in love made me nauseous. How dare they be happy?

       Now, for the third and final day I'd decided to lay in bed and do nothing. It was easy enough as I'd had the past two days to practice. I'd decided to sleep as much as I could. That way I'd cut down on thinking time and therefore I couldn't think of my ex. Unfortunately, I'd apparently gotten enough sleep last night and instead wound up tossing and turning for a few hours.

       Unable to fall back asleep, I reached over to my side table and picked up my TV remote. I was flipping through the channels when a knock sounded at my door. 

       'Weird. I'm not expecting anybody.' I think to myself, grabbing my robe and putting it on. "Who is it?"

       "It's us!" A bunch of voices respond along with a singular 'quack!'. I'd know those voices anywhere. 

       I open the door to find the rest of the Ducks standing in the dorm hallway, each carrying a bag. They all were dressed in what I assume were their pajamas.

       "Um, what are you guys doing here?"

       "Connie called." Guy said, giving me a sad smile. "She said you were wallowing and felt bad she couldn't be here. She said you needed someone to wallow with, so, here we are!"

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