UPDATE #7: And that's it! Requests are officially closed until further notice. Thank you so much to those who have sent requests in this past week. You're awesome! Now it's time to buckle down and get these oneshots done. Wish me luck!!
UPDATE #6: Requests close today, 5/30/22, at midnight EST so if you have any, send them in now!! I'm going to be closing them until I can get the few oneshots done so that could be a while lol
UPDATE #5: AND WE REACHED 17K! Thank you lovelies so much!! You're awesome!!
UPDATE #4: Since it's a long weekend, I thought I'd keep requests open a little longer. I'm going to close them for a few days while I work on my oneshots but you can still request and I'll add them to the list but I won't get to them right away like I do when they're open. Thanks!!
UPDATE #3: 16.8k reads! Requests are still open even though it's the weekend! I've really enjoyed writing for the ones that have been sent in so far :D
UPDATE #2: We've hit 16.7k! Thank you lovelies so much! Requests are still open so if you got 'em, send 'em in! Not sure if your reqest meets the guidelines? Ask me through PM! The worst I can do is say no lol Just remember that requests must have a maximum rating of PG-13 :)
UPDATE: I just wanted to add that if you have a request and wish to remain anonymous, please PM me! My inbox is always open for requests! I promise I'm nice lol
Hey lovelies! Oh my god, did we really just pass 16k reads?! I can't believe it! You lovelies are amazing. I honestly thought I'd be lucky get a hundred views on this book but to get 16k reads? I love you lovelies! If anyone has any requests (remember I'll go as high as PG-13 in rating) to mark the occasion, let me know! I'm taking requests for preferences, imagine, and oneshots! I'm so happy you all are liking my book. I still can't believe it! Thanks!!
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