the things we do for love (c.c.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by sunshineonthestreet. I hope you like it! Sorry it's a little on the short side! Let me know what you lovelies think! Also, the song is a reference to the song of the same name by 10cc.)

       Our final game against Iceland was not going well for us. We'd managed to get one goal but after that things had gone downhill. Ken and the Bash Brothers were all called for penalties and Iceland had become an unstoppable force.

       "Whoa!" I exclaimed as I just barely managed to avoid being slammed into the boards. To add insult to almost injury, the Iceland player tripped me with his stick. 

       I growled as I stood back up, ready to take this creep down when I heard my name being called from the bench.

       "Y/L/N! Switch with Averman!" Coach Bombay called out.

       "What?! But Coach-"

       "NOW!" Coach shouted at me.

        A bit startled, I quickly made my way off the ice and sat down next to my boyfriend, Charlie. I took my helmet off as I turned to him.

       "Why'd Bombay take me out? I was doing fine!" I exclaimed, my frustration getting the better of me.

       "I'm sure he had a good reason." Charlie said, ever the peacemaker.

       "What reason could that be?" I asked. I knew I was being a bit of a baby but I didn't care.

       "I don't know..." Charlie trailed off.

       "I'm going to ask him." I said, already standing up.

       "Wait, Y/N," Charlie says while grabbing my glove covered wrist. "Um, it wasn't Coach who took you out. It was me."

       I turned back to my boyfriend with a look of disbelief. He took me out? 

       "Charlie? Why?" I asked, stunned.

       "I was worried! That Iceland goon almost creamed you! I had to get you out of there." He said. He sounded a bit upset but I was too mad to really notice or care.

       "You had no right to do that, Charlie! You might be my boyfriend but I can take care of myself!" I exclaimed, ripping my wrist out of his grasp. His stunned look followed me as I made my way to the opposite end of the bench. I was too mad to even be near him.


       After Coach's rousing speech and our uniform upgrade, everyone burst from the locker room ready to tackle the rest of the game. I wasn't far behind but I wasn't as excited, knowing that I wasn't going to be getting any play time. I made my way to my spot on the bench when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Charlie.

       "What are you doing, Y/L/N? Get out on the ice!" He said. 

       I couldn't believe it! First he takes me out of the game because he's worried and now he's just putting me back in out of nowhere? "What are you talking about, Charlie? You wanted me out, so I'm out."

       Charlie looked at me sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. It was stupid and selfish of me to take you out of the game just because I was worried."

       "But why were you worried? You know I can handle myself against these Iceland dorks, don't you?" I asked, still skeptical.

       "I do." Charlie started, "It's just...I really care about you and I don't wanna see you get hurt. You're really special to me, Y/N."

       My heart skipped a beat at his words. I didn't know he felt that way about me. I mean, I knew he liked me as we're dating but I didn't know I was that important. 

       "You're really special to me too, Charlie." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. We both blushed before hearing a commotion on the ice. The game!

       "What are you waiting for, Y/L/N?! Get out there!" I heard Coach Bombay shout at me.

       "I'm going!" I shouted back. I turned to Charlie one last time. "Wish me luck!"

       "You got this, Y/N." He said with a smile.

        As I stepped out onto the ice, I felt more confident than I ever did before. 

       We got this.

(A/N: A little short, I know, but I didn't want to rehash the last game of D2 too much. Thanks again to sunshineonthestreet for the request! You're awesome! If anyone else has any requests, please send them in! I love doing them whether they be preferences, imagines, or oneshots lol Until next time! Thanks!!)

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