game winning goal (requested)

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(Preference: how they react when you score a game winning goal)

(A/N: This preference was requested by jojoswahy! Thanks so much for sending it in. I hope you all like it!)

Adam Banks: After you made the game winning goal, Adam wrapped his arms around you and whispered just how proud he was before joining the others in cheers.

Charlie Conway: Charlie nearly fell over himself racing on the ice to congratulate you on your game winning goal. He got to you before the others and caught you in a bone crushing hug.

Guy Germaine: Guy nearly screamed himself hoarse when he saw you make the game winning goal. His throat was sore for days afterwards but he didn't care.

Dean Portman: Dean rushed to your side the second you scored the game winning goal. He quickly scooped you up in his arms and spun you around while cheering.

Fulton Reed:  Not long after the buzzer went off, signifying the end of the game as well as your game winning shot, you were (accidentally) tackled to the ice by Fulton in a congratulatory hug.

Lester Averman: After he waded his way through the others, he took your hand and took you on a victory lap of the rink to celebrate your game winning goal, yelling the whole way.

Luis Mendoza: If you didn't have helmets on, Luis would have kissed you right then and there when he saw your game winning goal. He had to settle for a tight hug for now.

Dwayne Robertson: His 'WHOOP!'s could be heard even above the other cheers as he hugged you after your game winning goal. You're just lucky he didn't have his lasso to rope you in with.

(A/N: I tried to make them unique as I could! How'd I do? Let me know in the comments! Thanks again to jojoswahy for the request! Requests are currently open so if you have one, send it in! Thanks!!)

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