santa claus is coming to town (p.g.f.)

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(A/N: I was able to get one more oneshot in for the year! I don't wanna give too much away so I'll just jump right in. Also, pgf stands for 'platonic group fic'. The song in the title is a reference to the holiday song of the same name. Now, on with the oneshot!)

Holiday music filled the air as people meandered about. I decided to make some extra cash during the holiday season by being Santa's helper at the mall. Families with young kids stood in line, waiting for their turn with the big man in red. So far, we've had a few criers and even one lap pee-er but other than that things were going well!

"Hey, Y/N!"

I turned around to see the Ducks standing towards the front of the line. Slightly embarrassed by my elf attire, I quickly handed the waiting child a candy cane and their picture with Santa and sent them on their way. Signaling for my co-worker to take over for me, I made my way over to the line.

"Hey guys! What brings you here?" I ask. Seeing them all standing amongst the kids was enough to make me giggle.

"What else? We're here to see Santa!" Averman says, slinging his arm around Luis's neck. The rest of the Ducks make noises of agreement and Dean punches Dwayne's arm as he lets out a 'yee-haw!' as the line moves one step forward.

"You guys are nuts. You know that?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, come on! It's Christmas time. You gotta make sure the big man knows what you want. And what better way than seeing him in person?" Guy called out. A few kids in line even agreed with him. The others nodded in agreement as well. The line moved another step forward.

"Well, I hope you guys have a good time. I gotta get back to work." I say, giving a slight wave as I turned back to work. I receive a wave back from Charlie, Jesse, and Fulton.

In no time, it's the Ducks' turn for visiting with Santa. I can't help but laugh as they each take turns sitting on the jolly man's lap, each whispering in his ear what they wanted for Christmas. Adam went last and had the honor of sitting on Santa's lap for the picture.

"Everyone say 'Christmas'!" I say, getting ready to take the picture.



(A/N: It's short but I just thought it was a cute idea. I love to imagine the cute picture you'd get of all the Ducks standing around Santa with one of them on his lap. So cute! Well, this might be my last oneshot until the new year! Happy Holidays lovelies!!)

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