growin' up (a.b.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by irene310. Sorry it's a bit short. I hope you like it! I really enjoyed writing this one. It was such a cute premise! Thanks for requesting! The title is a reference to the song of the same name by Bruce Springsteen. Now, on with the oneshot!)

      "It's got to be here somewhere." 

       My boyfriend, Adam, and I were currently in his attic looking through boxes for some old hockey thing he wanted to show the rest of the Ducks. We'd gone through quite a few boxes already and hadn't had any luck finding whatever it was we were looking for.

       "I'll start on another box." I said, getting up and grabbing another box.

       I opened the box and was met by a ratty old stuffed animal dog with a washcloth wrapped around its neck like a cape.

       "Aw, who's this cute little guy?" I asked.

       "What do you- Oh my God! Wonder Puppy!" Adam said, forgetting his search and coming over to me. He gently took the stuffed animal from my hands and held it up in the air. He inspected it for a moment before bringing it back down into a hug.

       "An old friend of yours?" I asked, teasingly.

       "Yeah. He was my best friend when I was a little kid." Adam said, stroking Wonder Puppy's floppy ears. "My brother was always too busy to hang out with me because he was older and had his own friends so my mom got me Wonder Puppy to keep me company. I never went anywhere without him. That is until..." He trailed off.

       "What?" I asked. What could have happened to break up a boy and his stuffed dog?

       "Until my dad decided I was too old to have a stuffed animal. It was around the same time I started playing for the Hawks. He took him away and once I met the guys on the team, I forgot all about him." Adam said. He brought the stuffed dog in for another hug.

       "How old were you?" I asked.

       "I was about 7." Adam answered simply.

       "7?! And he took your best friend from you?! What a jerk!" I said. I knew Adam's dad was not the nicest person but to do something like that seems almost cruel. Never before had I wanted to kick a grown man's ass as much as I wanted to right now.

       "Yeah." Adam said, quietly. He was too focused on Wonder Puppy to notice my anger. 

       My anger softened as I saw how happy Adam was to see the ratty old thing. That was it. I couldn't let these two be apart.

       "You know," I started, "I still have my childhood bear, Lady Bear-ington, and she gets lonely sometimes. Maybe Wonder Puppy could keep her company? And then you could come see him whenever you want without your dad knowing."

       Adam's head shot up to look at me. "Really? You'd do that?"

       "Of course. I love you, Adam." I replied, smiling.

       "I love you too, Y/N." Adam said, smiling back.

       Whatever we were looking for was forgotten as Adam told me stories about the things he and Wonder Puppy got up to when he was little. I happily listened to them. And when it was time for me to leave, I made sure to slip Wonder Puppy into my bag to bring him to his new home. Or well, his new place to live. His home would always be with the little boy who grew up to be the most amazing boyfriend I've ever had.

(A/N: Thanks again to irene310 for the request! To everyone else who has sent a request in so far, I'm working on them! I'm just a bit sleep deprived due to a medication switch and the heat of summer keeping me up at night. Thanks for your patience! Anyway, requests for preferences, imagines, and oneshots are still currently open so if you got 'em, send 'em in! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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