~10k Oneshot Special~

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(A/N: Here it is! The 10k Reads Oneshot Special! I'm so sorry it took so long. I was having trouble coming up with an idea for this one but it finally hit me! I hope you lovelies like it! Now, without further ado, let's get on with the oneshot!)

Y/N = Your name

Y/L/N = Your last name

Y/D/N = Your dad's name

Y/M/N = Your mom's name

italics = emphasis

" = dialogue

' = thoughts

       I sat in the backseat of my family's van, listening to my cassette player and watching other cars pass on the highway. We were currently on our way to our family cabin in the woods to spend the last week of summer there with the Banks family; like we do every year. I sigh as we come to the turn to take us to the camp site. This was my least favorite part of summer vacation. Every year, we spend the week stuck in a cabin with my mortal enemy and his family and we have to pretend to get along. Something that Adam and I haven't done since we were 6 years old.

       Our families had known each other since the two of us were in diapers and thus we were expected to be best friends. Wrong. Now, we had been friends for the first few years of our lives but once Adam joined his hockey team, he'd turned into a real jerk. It came out of no where and I didn't know what to do besides be mean back to him. Since then, we could barely stand to be in each other's presence for longer than a few minutes which made this yearly trip ever so much fun. Note the sarcasm.

       Over the years, Adam and I learned very creative ways of avoiding each other. One year I even tried to fake chicken pox to get out of going but that backfired when I learned that Adam had never had them and his mom was more than enthused about getting that experience over with and wanted to quarantine us together. Another year, Adam spent almost the entire week hanging out in a tree near the water. That one hadn't been one of his better ideas as he'd gotten the worst sunburn of his life that year. I guess I should expect more of the same this year.

       As our van came to a stop, I sighed again as the cabin came into view. The Banks' car was already parked outside and Mr. and Mrs. Banks were sitting on the front porch, their son nowhere to be seen. Their eldest son wouldn't be here this summer as he had started a new job recently so it would just be the six of us. Joy. I hesitantly got out of the car, grabbing my bag and turning off my cassette player. I took off my headphones and plastered a smile on my face as the Banks' came to greet my parents and me.

       "Y/D/N! You made it!" Mr. Banks said, holding out his hand to my father.

       "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Phil! You and Nancy look well." My dad said, shaking Mr. Banks' hand.

        "Same can be said for you and your family, Y/D/N! Hello, Y/M/N. Y/N." Mr. Banks replied. He gave my mother a quick hug 'hello' as his wife came over to do the same.

        "Hello, Mr. Banks. Mrs. Banks. It's great to see you both!" I said. I tried to remember my manners as best I could. I actually liked the rest of the Banks family. It wasn't their fault their youngest son was a total jerk.

         "Hello, dear! Adam's just inside. Why don't you go in and say hello?" Mrs. Banks suggested.

        'Damn it.' I thought to myself. Not even here 5 minutes and I'm already being pushed into hanging out with their son. My smile became ever so slightly strained as I nodded and started walking towards the cabin. I heard my parents jump into conversation with the Banks' as I opened the front door, the adults following behind me. Opening the door, I was met with an empty living room. Confused, I turned to the adults.

        "Oh! He must be in his bedroom." Mrs. Banks walked to the small hallway leading to the bedrooms and bathroom. "Sweetie! Come say 'hello' to the Y/L/N's!" Mrs. Banks called out.

       "Coming!" A deep voice called back.

       'Huh, I thought Adam's brother wasn't coming this year.' I thought to myself. I almost did a double take as the person came into view. Coming towards my parents and I was Adam but not the Adam I remember from the last time we saw each other. He looked...different. When we were younger I'd been the taller of the two of us but now, Adam was a head taller than me. I gulped awkwardly as I saw just how handsome he'd gotten since the last time I'd seen him.

        'Wait...handsome?!' I thought to myself. 'Get a grip, Y/N!' I mentally slapped myself and plastered a new smile on my face as the usual pleasantries were exchanged between my family and him. Adam politely stuck his hand out to shake my father's and gave a quiet 'hello sir'. He did the same with my mom.

         "Y/N, say hello to Adam." My dad said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

         For the first time that day, Adam and I made eye contact. When he looked at me his eyes widened a bit, almost like he was surprised to see me. Or maybe...he liked what he saw? Truth be told, I did fill out quite a bit over the summer I'd spent in New York with my aunt and I guess it was only a matter of time before people started to notice. I just didn't expect my enemy to be one of those people.

        "Hello, Adam." I said politely.

        "Hello, Y/N." Adam said back.

        He stuck his hand out to me almost  it seemed on impulse and I politely took it. I felt something akin to a spark as our hands touched and promptly pulled mine away, embarrassed. I couldn't help but notice how well our hands fit together. A nervous smile spread itself across Adam's face as well as mine.

        "L-let me help you with your bag." Adam stammered, making a grab for my bag.

        "Oh! Well, thank you." I said a bit surprised, relinquishing my hold on it. I ducked my head in embarrassment, why though I don't know.

       I lifted my head and looked at him and found him already looking at me. He quickly averted his gaze, a light blush spreading across his cheeks.

        'Maybe this week wouldn't be as bad as I thought...'

(A/N: I had to cut it off there or it would have turned into a monster oneshot! I might do a part two later on but for now this is where it ends. The poll for the next Oneshot Special is already up so go vote while you can! It will be a little different but I'm sure it'll be fine. That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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