🎊new year's eve🎊

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(Preference: how you spend new year's eve together)

(A/N: For the out of town Ducks, imagine that you go home with them for the holidays)

Adam Banks: Since his parents always go to a friend's New Year's Eve party and his older brother had his own plans, it's just you and Adam for New Year's Eve! After such a hectic holiday season, you both are more than happy to make popcorn, watch the ball drop while snuggled on the couch and share a sweet kiss to ring in the New Year.

Charlie Conway: Charlie loves New Year's Eve and he goes all out for it. We're talking hats, confetti, noisemakers, the whole shebang. You try to rein in his excitement when he gets a bit too loud in fear of complaints from his neighbors but they're pretty much used to it by now. He makes a show of throwing confetti in the air right before he goes in for a New Year's kiss.

Guy Germaine: You and Guy spend New Year's Eve walking around the streets of Minneapolis with hot chocolate, hot apple cider, and some sweet treats, taking in the holiday lights and just relishing in the energy of those around you. As the clock strikes midnight, you share a kiss amongst a lot of other couples as cheers and horns sound in the background. 

Dean Portman: Since you were in Chicago for New Year's Eve, you and Dean were able to get together with his friends from before his Duck days and celebrate. They were definitely rowdier than the Ducks but they seemed like really great people and you were happy that Dean had them. They even egged you two on when you kissed at midnight.

Lester Averman: His numerous cousins usually get dumped at his house while their parents and his go out so you're stuck with the task of helping Les babysit for New Years Eve. Don't worry though! Only the oldest kids make it to midnight so your New Year's kiss is only met with one or two sounds of gagging and disgusted protest.

Luis Mendoza*: Luis and his family have a few traditions that you take part in for New Years Eve. You eat 12 grapes for good luck for the coming year, clean the house for a fresh start, and you two even walk around the block with a suitcase to ensure safe travels for you back to Eden Hall. Your New Year's kiss is respectful due to his family's presence but it's a long kiss.

Dwayne Robertson: Dwayne's family had the tradition of going for a midnight horseback ride that you were nervous about, having never really ridden before. You were able to share a horse with Dwayne and the two of you were bringing up the rear. Perfect spot to sneak in a sort of awkward placement but incredibly good kiss away from prying eyes.

(*I know Luis is Latino/Hispanic and, though I kind of see him as Cuban, I don't know where all of you see his ancestry being from so the traditions described above are done by Latino/Hispanic families from different places around the world.)

(A/N: Ah! This is my last preference of 2021! I'm posting this a day early and am going to take the next few days off so that I can finish more drafts and hopefully some oneshots so in case I don't see you, I want to wish you all a safe and happy New Year!! That's all for now!)

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