thank you for being a friend (f.r.&d.p.)(requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by rickcarlglenndaryl. Thanks so much for the request! It's a little short but I hope you like it anyway! The song in the title is a reference to the song of the same name from the 'Golden Girls'. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       "You guys really didn't have to walk me to the restaurant." I said, looking back at my two friends.

       "Of course we did!" Dean said, swinging his arm around my shoulder.

       "Yeah, gotta keep ya safe! It's what buds do!" Fulton added.

       I just shook my head as we came to an intersection. The Ducks had planned a celebration dinner for winning our latest game and we'd planned to meet at the restaurant. I had to stay after class to help tutor a new student and therefore, would be walking to the restaurant by myself. Once the Bash Brothers caught wind of that, they'd greatly disapproved and insisted on escorting me.

       "It's not like I haven't made this trek before, you guys. We go to the diner almost every week!" I said, rolling my eyes at their protectiveness.

       "We know that Y/N but we also know it's late and only freaks come out at night." Fulton said back.

       Dean nodded along while adjusting his bandana. Even though we're now juniors, the bandanas were an ever present fashion statement for the Bash Brothers. Everyone was used to it now and it was even a little weird when they didn't have them at least in their pockets.

       We continued walking for a few minutes, talking about anything that came into our minds. I told them about my date and they groaned and said I was 'too young' to date. I had to remind them I'm only a few months younger than them but that didn't seem to dissuade them at all.

       As the crosswalk light turned green, I stepped out into the road only to be yanked back onto the sidewalk by four hands. Just then, a car came speeding down the street right where I would have been walking.

       "Whoa." I said, winded from the experience.

       "Are you okay, Y/N?" Fulton asked as Dean shouted obscenities at the careless driver as they raced away, picking up a nearby empty can and throwing it in the car's direction.

       "Y-yeah. I think s-so." I stammered out. My legs would beg to differ though as they seemed to have turned to jello. 'I could have been...' I couldn't bring myself to even think the rest of that sentence.

       I quickly sat down to save myself the embarrassment of falling over. I took a few deep breaths before realizing that Fulton and Dean had sat down beside me, each holding a hand to one of my shoulders.

       "Just breathe, Y/N, just breathe." Dean said, uncharacteristically tenderly.

       "In and out." Fulton added.

       After a few minutes of them helping me breathe, I started to calm down. I looked at my friends and smiled.

       "Thank much, guys." I said. They both smiled back at me and helped me to my feet.

       "Of course, Y/N/N." Dean said, linking arms with me.

       "Yeah, like I said before. Gotta keep you safe!" Fulton said, linking arms with me as well.

       Together, the three of us looked both ways and successfully crossed the street and finally made our way to the diner. Neither Fulton nor Dean mentioned my little mishap. For that, I'm grateful. It's enough having the Bash Brothers be so protective of me. I couldn't imagine having the whole team being the same way. But knowing that Fulton and Dean always have my back never fails to make me smile.

(A/N: Thanks again to rickcarlglenndaryl for the request! I hope you liked it! Requests are still open but I only have a few slots left before I reach 200 chapters again! So get yours in while you can! Same goes for votes for the 20k Oneshot Special poll! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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