random headcanons #4

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(Preference: just some more random headcanons I have for each of the Ducks)

Adam Banks: Adam sleeps with the fan on even during the winter.

Charlie Conway: Charlie eats just about anything as long as he can put ketchup on it.

Guy Germaine: Guy keeps every note you've ever written him in a box under his bed.

Dean Portman: Dean once tried to eat 100 marshmallow Peeps in a row. He only made it to 72.

Fulton Reed: Fulton watches his favorite TV show from when he was little whenever he's sick.

Lester Averman: Les takes his movie theater job very seriously and won't sneak the Ducks in.

Luis Mendoza: Luis wants to learn French to impress you but doesn't realize you find Spanish much sexier.

Dwayne Robertson: Dwayne volunteers at a local veterinary office during the school year since he misses being on the ranch.

Jesse Hall: Jesse doesn't like sleeping in total darkness and has to have some form of light on.

(A/N: Not the best but I'm still getting back into the swing of things for preferences. What do you lovelies think? Do these seem like things the Ducks would do? Let me know in the comments! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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