~8k Oneshot Special~

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(A/N: Here it is! Finally, I give you the 8k Oneshot Special! I got a bit behind with requests but I didn't forget this oneshot. So without furth ado, the 8k Oneshot Special! I hope you like it! Thanks!!)

       'Ugh! That's the third time this week!'

       I watched from the other side of the room as another girl came up to my boyfriend, Dwayne. It was starting to get ridiculous. Ever since Dwayne and I became official, girls from all over had started flirting with him. Sometimes right in front of me!

       I watched as the latest girl touched Dwayne's arm and laughed at whatever it was he said. Dwayne just did what he usually does: gives them a friendly smile and excuses himself from the conversation. I know that he'd never cheat on me but the fact the these girls were hanging all over him bugged the hell out of me.

       I crossed my arms over my chest as Dwayne walked over to me and our table. He put his lunch tray down and smiled in greeting at me. I wanted to smile back but it came out more of a pout than anything else.

       "What's the matter, Darlin'?" Dwayne asked, taking a sip from his water bottle.

       "Nothing." I said, curtly. I felt kind of bad as the girls flirting with him wasn't his fault but he didn't exactly do anything to make it stop either.

       "Now come on. I can tell something's wrong." Dwayne said. 

       I sighed and was about to tell him when two girls came up behind him.

       "Hi, Dwayne!" One of them said.

       "Hello ladies." Dwayne said, politely.

       "So, we were thinking, maybe you'd like to come and study with us later." The second one said, putting her hands on his shoulders.

       Really? Right in front of me?! I was about to let them have it when Dwayne cut me off.

       "Sorry, ladies. I have hockey practice later and then I'm studying with Y/N. You're welcome to join us if you'd like." Dwayne said.

       The two girls looked at me as if they had just noticed me for the first time. They gave me sneers before turning around and walking away.

       "Well, that was weird. They didn't even answer me." Dwayne said, his face contorted in a quizzical look.

        "Oh, come on, Dwayne. You can't be that oblivious." I said, popping a potato chip in my mouth.

       "Huh? What do you mean?" He asked, watching me closely.

       "Those girls? And the one from earlier? And the ones at the mall on Wednesday? They're all flirting with you!" I said. I couldn't hide the incredulousness from my voice. I was jealous, damn it!

       "What? Flirting with me? You gotta be kidding, Peach. They're just bein' friendly." Dwayne said, laughing a bit as if I had just said the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard.

       "They are! And right in front of me too!" I exclaimed, gaining some looks from the other students around us. I blushed a bit and lowered my voice. "They act like I'm not even there and they're flirting with my boyfriend."

       "Really? I'm sorry. I didn't notice." Dwayne said with apologetic eyes.

       "How could you not notice? Those girls were throwing themselves all over you!" I said, exasperated.

       "Well, you're the only one I notice." Dwayne said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

       And just like that all of my jealousy seemed to drain away. Just one sentence and Dwayne managed to warm my heart in only the way he can. I turned to face him completely and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

       "I believe you, Cowboy. It's okay." I said with a sigh. "I just wish they wouldn't disrespect our relationship by flirting with you all the time."

        "Okay. Let's take care of that now." Dwayne said, standing up.

       "What? Dwayne what are you-"

       "Excuse me! Can I have y'alls attention?!" Dwayne shouted to the whole cafeteria. It took a few moments for the noise to calm down but when it did he continued. "I just want to say that I, Dwayne Robertson, am dating Y/N Y/L/N. And I would appreciate it if y'all would respect that and stop with all the flirting. Thank you for your time." He said before sitting back down.

       I sat there wide eyed as people started giggling to themselves and restarting their conversations.

       "Better?" Dwayne asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile.

       "Better." I said. I leaned in as he did a gave him a kiss on the lips. 

       After that, I never had to worry about anyone flirting with Dwayne again. Whether they respected our relationship or thought he was a dork, I'll never know. But either way, I was happy.

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