skating (c.c.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by Quick-Thinkin. Thanks so much for the request! I hope you like it. The song referenced in the title is a song by Vince Guaraldi. Now, on with the oneshot!)

As I walked into the ice rink, I felt a bit awkward. I mean, I've lived in Minnesota my entire life and I'm only now just learning to ice skate? How lame can you get? But I was determined to learn even if it was on my own.

After renting a pair of skates, I sat down to put them on. I finished tying my skates and tried to stand, only to fall right back down into the seat. I tried again with the same result. Embarrassed, I looked around me to see if anyone was watching me. To my luck, I saw this really cute guy sitting not far away, chuckling at me. I sent him a frown and tried to stand again. After taking a few steps, thinking I was doing well, I fell on my butt. As I looked up, a hand was presented to me.

"First time skating?"

It was the cute guy! Embarrassed yet again, I accepted his hand and let him help me back up.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask back. That earned a chuckle from him and a small smile from me.

"Just a bit. Do you want some help? I've been skating practically my whole life." Cute guy said.

"Really? You'll help me?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course. Can't leave a cute girl like you to struggle on her own." Cute guy said.

I felt myself blush but ignored it.


After a few hours, I was starting to get the hang of it. I found out cute guy's name is actually Charlie and that he was a hockey player at Eden Hall Academy and he was the captain. I told him a bit about myself as well and we were really having a great time.

The only problem was, I'd been holding onto him the whole time and he now wanted me to try skating on my own. Fearing I'd fall as soon as he let go, I held onto him tighter as his hands left my waist. This caused him to chuckle at me for what felt like the hundredth time today.

"You're gonna have to learn to skate on your own at some point, Snowflake." Charlie said.

"Snowflake?" I asked.

"Yeah, it seemed like a cute nickname to call you. Is that okay?" Charlie asked, bashfully.

"More than okay, Cap." I said back.

"Cap?" He asked.

"Short for captain." I answered.

"Ah." Charlie said.

After taking a deep breath, I pushed off of Charlie and started skating on my own. I got about 3 feet away from him when I slipped and fell on my butt. Charlie rushed over to me and in his haste, he wound up falling down too. As we laid there in a pile of limbs, we couldn't help but start laughing.

"So much for skating practically your whole life!" I exclaim through my laughter.

"Hey!" Charlie laughed back.

Our laughter died down and we both stood back up. Charlie grabbed my hand and we started skating again. This time, neither of us let go.

(A/N: Thanks again to Quick-Thinkin for the request! Sorry it took me so long! I hope you liked it! Requests are open for the rest of December so if you have one, feel free to send it in! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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