i want to hold your hand (c.c.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by charlieconwayismybf. I hope you like it! The song in the title is a reference to the song of the same name by The Beatles. Now, on with the oneshot!)


       The pop music coming through the sound system intensified as I got onto the ice. Eden Hall had rented out the local ice rink for a fundraiser night and the Ducks and I had decided to check it out. The others were already out on the ice, including my crush Charlie. I would have been out there skating with him except for one problem...his girlfriend, Linda.

       'Speak of the devil.' I thought to myself as the pair came skating in my direction, arm in arm. The sight was enough to make me want to gag.

       "Hey, Y/N! Come join us!" Charlie called out. Linda sent him a look that went unnoticed.

      "That's okay! I'm just waiting for..." I said as another Duck came into my line of sight. "Adam!"

       The blonde boy seemed surprised when I grabbed his arm but seeing my pleading look, he just smiled.

       "Oh. Well, okay. See you around." Charlie said sounding almost...sad? Must have been my imagination.

       As Charlie and Linda skated away, I turned back to Adam.

       "Thanks. I don't think I could have handled that." I said to Adam, truthfully.

       "No problem." Adam said with a knowing smile. He knew all about my crush on Charlie and had kept my secret from the rest of the team. "Well, now that we're both here, let's skate!" Adam said, propelling us forward.

(3rd Person POV)

       Charlie watched as Adam and Y/N skated away, a hollow feeling filling his chest. He didn't like how close they were skating together. Not that he liked Y/N. He just loved being with Y/N. Doing things together, talking together. He didn't like Y/N...Right?

       "Charlie? Are you listening to me?"

       "Huh?" Charlie was pulled from his daze as he looked at his girlfriend.

       "I said, don't you think Adam and Y/N would make a cute couple?" Linda asked again.

       "What? No way! Y/N and Adam? Never!" Charlie denied. A little more than he needed to.

       "Geez, Char. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were jealous." Linda said, side-eyeing Charlie.

       "Me? Nah." Charlie said, the hollow feeling in his chest growing. As he looked at Y/N again, he wasn't so sure of himself anymore. 

(Y/N's POV)

       Adam was getting hungry so we decided to take a break and get something to eat. As we stood in line, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, my heart flew into my throat. Charlie.

       "Hey guys! Linda had to leave early so is it okay if I hang with you?" Charlie asked with a friendly smile.

      Adam looked to me and seeing I had no objections nodded to Charlie. "Sure, man. We were just about to get some food. Why don't you and Y/N get a table while I get the food?" Adam said, slightly pushing me towards Charlie. He pushed a little too hard as I wound up falling into Charlie.

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