so far away (j.h.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by Olivia_Winston_Banks. Thanks so much for the request! I hope you like it! This one is a little different from what I usually write so sorry if it's a bit off. There's a mention of parental death so if that bothers you, you might want to skip this one. The song in the title is a reference to a song of the same title by Carole King. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       I walked into the busy cafeteria and immediately saw my best friend and crush, Jesse, sitting at a table towards the back. Normally he and I would sit with his hockey friends but today was different. Today was Jesse's dark day. The anniversary of his mom dying. The one day a year where he cuts himself off from everyone and woe be unto you should you get in his way. Being his best friend, however, he still showed some tolerance for me.

       I walked over to him and sat down beside him. I put my lunchbox on the table and started to grab my food from inside of it. He gave a brief glance in my direction before taking another bite of his sandwich.

       "I could be polite and ask how you're doing, but I can already tell it's not great." I said, taking a bite of my own sandwich.

       "'m fine." Jesse said back lowly, his eyes not leaving the table.

       I decided to leave it at that for now as we both sat quietly and ate. Once we were both finished, the silence between us was no longer comfortable. I wanted to treat this like any other day but past experience puts that idea right out of my head. When Jesse has his dark day, almost nothing can get through to him. That didn't mean I wasn't going to try though.

       "'s hockey going? Things going okay with your new coach?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant. The silence returned and I sat there awkwardly. Jesse's only answer was a grunt as he took a swig of his milk. I sighed. Time for a different approach.

       "I heard from Charlie that the cake-eater got added to your team." I said. Usually mentioning any of the rich kids gets a rant out of Jesse but not even that could reach him today.

       "Jess...I know today is difficult for you. I can't even imagine how much so but you shouldn't shut everyone out-"

       "Either stop talking or go sit somewhere else." Jesse spat out.

       I won't lie. Him saying that hurt but I tried to take anything that was said today with a grain of salt. But if he wanted to be alone then fine.

       "Okay. I'll just go sit with the others." I said, grabbing my trash and standing up. "I hope you feel better, Jesse." Before I could walk away, however, a hand shot out and grabbed mine.

       I looked down to see Jesse, still staring at the lunch table, with his hand in mine. He gave it a long squeeze and I knew he didn't mean what he said. I sat back down and gave his hand a squeeze back. The silence returned again but this time it wasn't so awkward. I blushed briefly when his head found its way onto my shoulder but ignored it knowing that Jesse needed the comfort right now.

       We sat there together for the rest of lunch period, just relaxing in the other's company. When the bell rang, we both stood up and threw our trash away. I grabbed my lunch bag and went to walk ahead but Jesse's hand remained in mine, keeping me back.

       "Thank you." Jesse said.

       "For what?" I asked. He squeezed my hand again.

       "For being you." He said back lowly before pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

       I blushed again but was able to hide it as he led the both of us out of the cafeteria. Jesse was still sullen and pretty closed off for the rest of the day but every chance he got, he'd grab my hand and give it a squeeze.

(A/N: Was it okay? I know it's not the usual kind of thing I write but this was what came out when I sat down to write. Thanks again to Olivia_Winston_Banks for the request! I'm still working on other requests so if you sent me one, don't worry! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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