life is a highway (l.a.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by evanschiff. Thanks so much for the request! This was the first time I got to write for Lester Averman and I really enjoyed it! The song used in the title is a song by Tom Cochrane. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       I watched the scenery pass by through the side window of Fulton's van. The team had decided that today was the perfect day for a road trip. We had to take two cars to fit everyone. In Fulton's van was Fulton and Dean in the front and passenger seat, Averman and me in the middle row, and Guy, Connie, and Luis in the way back. I don't think it was any coincidence that I'd been seated next to my crush but I wasn't complaining. Luis was in charge of taking photos of the day. So far the flash on the camera had been going nonstop.

      "Hey," Les said to me, "I invented a new word."

       "Really? What is it?" I asked.

       "Plagiarism!" He said, laughing at his own joke.

       I laughed with him. I know the others would have groaned at his silly joke but I sincerely like his sense of humor.

       "You're really funny, you know that?" I asked him.

      "Well, I have to be with a mug like mine." He said, rubbing his chin.

       "Oh come on! You're cute and you know it." I said before I could stop myself.

       "Awh, you're gonna make me blush!" Les said, laughing again. 

       As we continued to talk, my eyelids started to feel heavy and I felt sleep calling out to me. I tried leaning my head back but it just wasn't comfortable.

       "You can use my shoulder as a pillow. If you want that is." Les said to me, softly.

       I smiled sleepily at him and took him up on his offer, laying my head on his shoulder. I could smell his cologne and had to stop myself from taking a deep breath. I felt him lean his head against mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach from being so close to him.

       I started to drift off when I heard someone whispering in my ear.

       "I really like you, Y/N. I just hope I can find the courage to tell you. You know, when you're actually awake." Les whispered next to my ear.

        I pretended to be asleep but I couldn't stop the small smile that bloomed on my face. I heard another flash from Luis's camera before sleep really did overtake me.


       After a few hours of driving, we finally needed to stop at a gas station for bathroom breaks and to stretch our legs. I pulled Connie and Julie aside and told them what had happened. They were so happy for me and told me I needed to tell him how I felt. Half the team got back into Adam's car while the rest of the team had started to pile back into Fulton's van. Averman was at the back of the group. Now's my chance.

       "Hey, Les?" I called out to him. He turned around to look at me. "I heard what you said. You know, when you thought I was asleep?"

       I saw all the color drain from his face and he looked scared. "Y/N, I swear, I didn't mean anything by it and I was half asleep when I said it and-"

       "Averman!" I laughed, cutting off his ramblings. "It's okay. I like you too."

       "Really?" He asked hopefully.

       "Yeah. I have for a while now." I said. A light blush spread across both our cheeks at my confession.

       "Would you, maybe, want to go out sometime?" Les asked.

       "Yeah. That'd be awesome." I said, smiling brightly.

       "Oh. Cool." Les said awkwardly, not really knowing what else to say.

       "Cool." I said back, just as awkwardly.

       I walked up beside him and grabbed his hand before I lost my nerve. I was happily surprised when he laced our fingers together. He raised our joined hands and gave a kiss to the back of my hand. I smiled even wider at him, the both of us ignoring the catcalls coming from the van. Later, Luis showed me the photos he'd taken throughout the day. My favorite was of me and Lester, sound asleep together, smiling.

(A/N: Thanks again to evanschiff for the request! I hope you liked it! Requests are open for a few more days so send them in if you got 'em to the chapter titled 'Requests are OPEN!'! Just remember that they must be PG-13 or under for me to write it! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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