~20k Oneshot Special~

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(A/N: Here it is! The 20k Reads Oneshot Special! This one took me a little bit to figure out but I'm glad I did! So without further ado, on with the oneshot!)

       The sound of popcorn popping in the microwave filled the kitchen. It was movie night with my boyfriend, Dean, and I was in charge of snacks while he was in charge of the videos. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and put it on the counter then went to grab glasses for our drinks. As the microwave beeped, there was also a knock at my front door.

       "Coming!" I yelled out, placing the glasses down on the counter. I quickly ran to the front door and opened it to reveal Dean standing there with a pile of video tapes in his hands.

       "Hey, doll." Dean said, greeting me with a kiss. I gladly returned it.

       "Hey! Ready for movie night?" I asked, stepping aside to let him in.

       Dean nodded and walked into my living room. He put the tapes on the coffee table before making himself comfortable on the couch. He patted the spot next to him but I shook my head. He looked at me with a confused expression.

       "Gotta get the snacks first." I said. When a look of understanding crossed his face, I made my way back into the kitchen.

       I fetched the popcorn from the microwave and poured it in the bowl. As I was about to grab the soda from the cabinet, a pair of arms snaked their way around my waist. I chuckled at the close contact and was met with a kiss to my cheek.

        "You couldn't wait five minutes while I got everything?" I asked, amused at Dean's antics.

       "Nope." Dean said simply. He placed another kiss, this time on my neck, before pulling away.

       He took the soda from my hands and poured some in each of the glasses before picking them up.

       "I could've done that." I said. Dean merely shrugged at me and continued on his way to the living room. I grabbed the popcorn and followed him.


       It was during our second movie that I noticed Dean had fallen asleep. He had hockey practice earlier today so I wasn't surprised. I grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over him, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. He began to stir but settled down again quickly. I went back to watching the movie when Dean started to stir again.

       "We gotta hurry, Y/N."

       Confused, I turned to Dean. "What?"

       "We gotta hurry." Dean said again.

       "Hurry?" I asked, curious.

       "Yeah. We're gonna be late." Dean said, eyes still firmly shut.

        It was then I noticed Dean was still asleep. I'd heard from Fulton that Dean talked in his sleep sometimes but I had no idea it was like this.

        "Why are we gonna be late?" I asked, enjoying this more than I probably should be.

       "Motorcycle won't start." Dean said.

        That had me laughing quietly. Dean had been wanting a motorcycle for the longest time and his wish had finally come true when he got an old junky one from his uncle for his 17th birthday. He'd been fixing it up for months. It was funny that the motorcycle made its way into Dean's dream.

        "Why are we in such a hurry?" I asked, curious again. 

       "To get to our wedding, Y/N." Dean said, like it was the most obvious thing in the universe.

       "Our wedding, Dean?" I asked, stifling my laughter. I leaned in closer to Dean so I could speak in a more quiet voice as not to wake him.

       "Yeah. Can't wait to marry you." Dean said, snuggling his face into the couch.

       That made my heart absolutely melt. Dean and I have been together for a few years now and while we had talked about our futures to a certain extent, this was the first I'd learned that he actually wanted to marry me. I couldn't contain myself anymore and tackled Dean in a hug, waking the unsuspecting boy in the process.

       "I love you, Dean." I said before smothering his face with kisses.

       "Uh, love you too, Y/N." Dean said back, confused. He let out a yawn before giving me kisses of his own. 

       The rest of the movies played in the background as we talked into the wee hours of the morning before falling asleep in each others arms, my head tucked into the crook of Dean's neck. It was one of the best night's sleep I'd had in a long time.

(A/N: That's it! The last oneshot special of this book. I'm about to reach 200 chapters again but I hopefully can get a few more chapters in by deleting unnecessary chapters. We'll see what happens. That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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