(Preference: how they act when you're on your period)
Adam Banks: Coming from a family consisting of an older brother and two pretty reserved* parents, Adam never really gave any thought to the whole 'periods' thing until he experienced you on yours. He was a bit distant and unsure of how to act around you at first but he was a pretty fast learner. The two of you will snuggle (spooning, your head on his chest, etc.) when your cramps get particularly bad and you usually fall asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around you and him humming softly in your ear.
Charlie Conway: Being raised by a single mom, Charlie has a pretty good understanding of what you're experiencing for the most part. Whatever you need, he's on it. Whether you need space or all the cuddles, he's got you. Running out of chocolate? Not with him around. He'll even offer to go to the store and get you pads/tampons without a second thought about it. The other guys might call him whipped but to you, it just makes him more of a man.
Guy Germaine: He is a total sweetheart during your time of the month! He knows that it drains you of any and all energy so he sticks by your side, ready to let you use his shoulder as a pillow should you need it. He'll treat you with extra care no matter how you try to remind him that you're not that fragile. You know he means well though so you lovingly put up with his mother hen attitude.
Greg Goldberg**: He didn't pay much attention in sex ed. class so he's a bit clueless. After you explain it a bit more to him though he's pretty nonchalant about it if a little scared. Not so much the whole process but the fact that your mood changes so quickly that he feels like he's walking on eggshells around you the whole week. He'll do his best to keep you happy but is ready to duck and cover at a moments notice.
Lester Averman: The whole thing makes him a bit uncomfortable but he does his best not to show it. He learns very quickly that jokes are NOT the way to comfort you. He never lets your supply of your favorite snacks run empty and makes sure that you have an abundance of pillows to squish down into. He has a particular knack for knowing exactly what movies or TV shows you're in the mood for each day of your cycle, amazingly.
Luis Mendoza: He knows the basics from having two older sisters so he's pretty sympathetic to your pain. He's surprisingly affectionate during the whole week. He'll give you random cuddles between classes, slip you some candies as you pass each other, and is ready with the heating pad after school. He'll lay your head in his lap and he'll massage your temples until you drift off into a nice nap.
Dwayne Robertson: This poor sunshine child! His happy-go-lucky attitude, that you usually love, gets on your last nerve when it's your time of the month. Like, who is he to be this happy when you were feeling this miserable? Thankfully, he takes your moodiness with a grain of salt knowing that you're not your usual self. It doesn't hurt that he gives the absolute best back rubs either.
Dean Portman: Normally Dean is all big and bad but when it comes to you on your period, he is so gentle and protective. If anything, he becomes a little bit too protective of you and does a lot of stuff (carry your bag, books, etc.) for you whether you want him to or not. You let it slide though because, since he tends to run hot, he becomes your own personal heating pad whenever you need him.
Fulton Reed: Fulton knows the very basics of periods from having female teammates and paying attention in health class so he knows to tread lightly when yours comes around. He knows you prefer a quiet and calm atmosphere because your period makes you extra stressed and he is the perfect guy to enforce that unwritten rule each month. He also becomes the designated 'big spoon' for the week.
(*more like repressed lol)
(**I wrote this before I took Goldberg out of the lineup and just couldn't bring myself to delete it)
(A/N: This is actually one of the first few preferences that I wrote! I've had it in my drafts because I knew I wanted to add Portman and Fulton but I wasn't sure when but I wanted them included in this one. I only worked on it during my times of the month lol The order of the Ducks is a bit off but will be back to normal after this one. Thanks!!)

TMD: Preferences|Imagines|Oneshots
FanfictionA collection of preferences, imagines, and oneshots I wrote for The Mighty Ducks trilogy. Disclaimer inside! ‼️TMD 2 now published!‼️