just the way you are (c.c.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by sunshineonthestreet! I had a lot of fun writing it so I hope you enjoy. Thanks to sunshineonthestreet for the request!! And just so you know, the title is a reference to the song by Billy Joel, not Bruno Mars! Enjoy!!)

       I slammed the door behind me as I got back to my dorm room. Today, on top of our already full academic schedule, my English teacher had assigned a paper that needed to be completed by Monday. Now I had to cancel my date with my boyfriend, Charlie, to work on the stupid thing. Couple it with the fact that my grade in English had taken a little dip since the beginning of the year, I was totally stressing out.

       After throwing my bag down on my bed, I immediately got to work. I finished whatever assignments had been given first and then decided to tackle the stupid English paper. I made space on my bed and grabbed my English notebook and started my rough draft.

       I only got a few paragraphs in when there was a knock on my door.

       "Come in!" I called out.

       The door opened to reveal Charlie! I honestly couldn't tell if I was happy to see him or not. I mean, I'm always happy to see him, don't get me wrong, but I really needed to get this essay done.

       "Hey, Snowflake! I know we had to cancel our date but I thought I'd bring you some writing provisions." Charlie said, half-smiling. He held up a bag that was clearly stuffed with junk food.

       "Aw, Handsome, you're so sweet!" I smiled back at him. I got up off my bed and met him in the doorway. I took the bag from him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Now go." I said just as sweetly as before.

       "Oh come on! I can't stay? I promise I won't make a peep. I'll just make myself small and you won't even know I'm here." He pleaded. He even had the gall to pull the face we both knew I couldn't resist.

       'Damn those puppy dog eyes!' I thought to myself. "Fine. But if you bother me, you're gone." I said firmly.

       He nodded and made himself comfy on the floor beside my bed. I looked at him skeptically but he made the 'my lips are sealed' action and I sat back down on my bed, ready to continue my paper.


       "C'mon, Charlie!" I said, pulling my notebook back in front of me.

       "C'mon, Charlie!" Charlie mocked back at me. He made another grab for my notebook but I blocked him this time. This had been going on for almost an hour.

       "Okay, you're being a baby right now." I half-laughed, half-scoffed.

       Charlie was clearly in a mood. Ever since Orion took over the Ducks, he had 3 moods: mad, childish, and indifferent. Looks like tonight was a childish Charlie night.

       "You're the one being all uptight! It's just an English paper. You could write whatever you want and still pass." Charlie said, standing up from my bed and walking around my room.

       He picked up my favorite stuffed animal, Binky Bear, and turned back towards me. "Don't be so uptight, Y/N! Have some fun with Charlie! He's the best!" He said in a high voice, making Binky Bear dance around. This normally would have made me laugh but his actions were really starting to get on my nerves.

       "Charlie, you know I love you but I really need to do well on this to maintain my average to keep playing with you and the others. Now please? Let me at least finish my first draft?" I pleaded. Charlie ignored me and continued to make Binky Bear dance. "Charlie?"

       He grabbed my notebook again with a triumphant 'AHA!'.

       "Charlie!" I made a jump for it but he held it away from me. 'Really?' I thought to myself. Now, both the notebook and Binky Bear were being waved in my face.

       "CHARLIE!" I wound up shouting. He stopped the dancing but kept a firm grip on both the book and the bear. "Please! I know you're trying to help but you're making things worse! Now drop the bear and give me my notebook!" I shouted.

       The shift on Charlie's face was as immediately noticeable. Gone was childish Charlie and mad Charlie had taken his place. I mentally sighed as I waited for his flip-out.

       "Fine! God, I don't even know why I try. If you wanna stress yourself about some essay to impress some wannabe coach then be my guest! I'm outta here!" Charlie shouted back at me.

       He unceremoniously dropped both the things he'd been holding and made his way to my closed door. In a last defiant act, he turned off my ceiling light off, plunging my room into complete darkness. The door quickly opened, letting in a flash of light from the hallway before it was slammed shut.

       I sighed from my spot on the bed.

       "Charlie, wait..." I called out as I got up. I raced to my door and flung it open only to have the crap scared out of me by my boyfriend roaring in my face. I screamed at the top of my lungs and fell backwards.

       "Oh shit! Y/N, are you okay?" Charlie came running up to me to help me up but I pushed his hands away. Now it was my turn to be mad.

       "I'm fine! But I'd be even better if you left!" I quickly got up and pushed him out the door, slamming it as he'd barely made his way out. I locked the door for good measure. The knocking started almost immediately.

       "Oh, c'mon Y/N! I'm sorry! Let me back in!" Charlie called from the other side of the wood. I just gave my bruised butt a quick rub then got back to my bed. Anger fueled me as I got not only the first draft done but the second as well. The knocking had continued for almost two hours before he finally seemed to get the message and it stopped.


       The sun shining in my eyes woke me up the next morning. I must have fallen asleep while writing. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I quickly got changed into fresh clothes and went to do my hair when I remembered that Connie had my hair brush. I got up and unlocked my door thinking about what I would get for breakfast. As I opened the door to head to Connie's room, the sight on the floor in front of me turned my heart to goo.

       There was Charlie, curled up asleep on the floor with his jacket being used as a blanket. He must have stayed outside all night. I quickly dropped down next to him. I shook his shoulder a little to wake him. He stirred almost immediately.

       "Y/N?" He asked, his voice groggy and kind of sexy.

       "Yeah, Handsome. It's me." I said chuckling. "Were you out here all night?"

       Charlie nodded his head, stretching his arms over his head. "Y/N, I'm really sorry about last night. I didn't mean to get on your nerves like I did-"

       "It's okay. I forgive you." I said, kissing his cheek. That earned me a genuine Charlie smile.

       "Good." He kissed me back on my cheek.

       Yesterday's frustration completely forgotten, we made our way to breakfast in the cafeteria, walking hand in hand. The essay could wait.

(A/N: Well? What'd you think? If anyone has any requests, feel free to send them in! I'm currently accepting preferences, imagines, and oneshots. Once again, thanks so much to Sunshineinthestreet for the request!!)

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