it's your love (d.r.)(requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by heehee4001. Thanks so much for the request! Sorry it took me so long! I hope you like it! Also, the title of this oneshot is in reference to the song It's Your Love by Tim McGraw Now, on with the oneshot!!)

       "Mr. Robertson. Please come to the board and answer #7."

       Our math teacher, Mrs. Hendrix , called to my boyfriend, Dwayne. The rest of the class breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't them who was called. We were studying a new section and a majority of the class wasn't understanding it. I, however, had a thing for math and was doing okay with it. Unfortunately, I knew Dwayne was having trouble.

       Not wanting him to get embarrassed for not knowing, I sneakily turned around to his desk behind me and switched our books. Dwayne saw and gave me a quizzical look but I just winked at him. He smiled back and went up to the board. He took his time solving the equation but in the end he wrote down the correct answer.

       "Very good, Mr. Robertson." Mrs. Hendrix praised. Before she could say anymore, the bell rang. "Okay. That's all for today. Remember students, I'll be gone for the rest of the week. Your substitute will have packets ready for you to work on." She called out as students started packing up for their next classes. I had to wave a quick goodbye to Dwayne because my next class was on the other side of campus and I needed to run. It wasn't until I got to my next class that I forgot to switch notebooks back with Dwayne.


       The next few days went by fairly quickly, especially with a substitute for our math class. We didn't need to bring our books with us so I still had Dwayne's math notebook come Friday afternoon. He said he'd swing by my locker and switch back at the end of the day, which had finally arrived. I was putting my books away into my locker when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

       "Hey, Darlin'." Dwayne said as he laid his head on my shoulder.

       I smiled and turned my head, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Cowboy. How was your last class?" I asked.

       "It was fine. I mostly spent it going over the newest section of our math class." Dwayne said back. Dwayne had study hall as his last class of the day and usually used it to do homework.

       "Did you understand it better this time?" I asked, turning around in his arms.

       "Actually, I was studying a particular page of your notebook." Dwayne said slyly.

       "What page?" I asked, genuinely curious. There wasn't much to my math notebook aside from notes and homework. Except for one page...Oh no.

       Dwayne reached into his backpack and grabbed my notebook out of it, flipping to the page I was dreading. "I'm talking about this one." 

       The page in question was full of little doodles along with some scribblings of 'Y/N + Dwayne = 4ever' and his name inside of a heart and different versions of our names together like 'Y/N Robertson' and 'Dwayne Y/L/N' with hearts all around it.

       "Oh god." I said, hiding my face in his shoulder. "I can't believe I forgot to tear that out! I did it before we started dating!"

       "Can I have it?"

       "What?" I asked, raising my head. He really wanted it?

       "I want it for my locker. I want to hang it up so everyone can see it and know we're together." Dwayne said, fiddling with the page a bit. He smiled at me with one of his soft smiles that he seemed to reserve for just me.

       I shyly nodded, giving my consent and he tore the page out. I took my notebook back and closed my locker as we started walking towards the exit. 

       The next time I saw his locker, the page was taped on the door. And the next time I saw his notebook, I had my own page to tear out and hang in my locker.

(A/N: Thanks again to heehee4001 for requesting this oneshot. You're awesome! If anyone else has any requests, I'm keeping requests open until June 20th so send them in while you can! I'm currently taking requests for preferences, imagines, and oneshots on my !A/N: Requests are OPEN! chapter, which will be the official chapter to make requests on. Until next time! Thanks!!)

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