head over feet (c.c.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by jojoswahy! I was a little unsure about it at first but I'm happy with the way it came out! Thanks to jojoswahy for the request!! The title is a reference to the song by Alanis Morrisette! Enjoy!!)

       "Just a minute!"

       I ran around my living room gathering all my things together. I had yet to put my shoes on and I still needed to transfer everything from my one purse to the one I planned on taking tonight. I quickly looked through the apartment door's peep hole just to make sure it was who I was expecting. It was. And he was right on time.

       "Come in!" I called, rushing back to the couch. My parents had decided to grab something for dinner before they made their way to the rink because I had an escort of my own.

       The door opened to reveal my boyfriend, Charlie, all dressed in his suit. Tonight was the big showdown between the Ducks and Varsity. We'd all decided to dress our best as it was such an important night. I myself had on my best dress and was currently putting on shoes to match.

       "Y/N?" Charlie called out.

       "In here!" I called back from my seat on the couch. Once my shoes were secured and I grabbed my bag, I stood up and faced him.  Charlie and I had been friends since our District 5 days before we started dating this past year. To say it was an eventful year would be an understatement.

       "You look amazing!" Charlie blurted out. His eyes went wide but I just smiled.

       "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself, Cap. Except," I put my bag down on the coffee table and stepped towards him. "Your tie. It's crooked. Let me help you with that."

       I quickly undid said tie and had him scrunch down to my level so I could redo it.

       "So...are you excited for the game?" I asked, focusing on what my hands were doing.

       "Excited might not be the word for it. I'm just ready to finally cream those varsity creeps." Charlie said. "What about you?"

       "Honestly?" I asked, "I feel like I could throw up; I'm so nervous."

       Charlie chuckled at my admission. He gave my forehead a quick kiss.

       "Stay still!" I scolded him. I let out a giggle as he proceeded to do his best impression of a statue. Things were quiet for a few minutes after that as my hands worked.

       "You know, I'm really proud of you, Charlie." I said, breaking the silence.

        Without breaking his statue pose, Charlie raised an eyebrow at me as if to say 'What?'.

       "I'm serious! I know this year was tough for everyone but for you especially. I'm really proud of how far you've come." I said, quietly cursing when I missed a step in tying the tie.

       Charlie dropped his pose and put his hands on my hips. I looked up from what I was doing to gaze into his expressive eyes. He pulled me in close.

        "The only reason I've come so far is because I had you in my corner. Every time, you were there to help me and I can't thank you enough. I love you, Y/N." Charlie said.

       I stopped fusing with his tie and looked him in the eye. A faint blush had spread across his cheeks as his words settled in for the both of us.

       "Y-you what?" I stuttered out. This was the first time either of us had said that to the other.

       "Sorry. I didn't mean to just blurt it out like that but it's the truth. I love you." Charlie said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I understand if you don't feel the same or maybe you do, I don't know-"

        "Charlie!" I cut him off. I smiled my biggest smile at him and patted his tie against his chest, finally having gotten the knot just right. "I love you, too."

       "Really? I mean, you don't have to say it if you don't mean it. I just said it because I feel it but-"

       I cut him off again but this time with a kiss. It was returned eagerly. After a few second we broke apart. We gazed into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity before I spoke again.

       "I'm saying it because I feel it. I love you, Charlie." I said, smile now pretty much engraved on my face. Charlie's own smile grew the biggest I've ever seen it as he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me in for another kiss. 

       "WHOO! You love me and I love you! We're IN LOVE!" Charlie exclaimed as we pulled apart. "We need to go out and celebrate!" He grabbed my hand and started leading me towards the door.

       "Um, Charlie? The game?" I reminded him with a giggle. The look of recognition on his face made me laugh even harder.

        "Oh. Right." Charlie said sheepishly. He quickly composed himself and took my hand. "Ready to kick some varsity butt, Sweetheart?"

         I gave his hand a squeeze. "Ready, Cap!"

       He gave me one more quick kiss before heading for the door again. I completely forgot to grab my purse on the way out but who cares? I'm in love!

(A/N: Well? What'd you think? If anyone has any requests, feel free to send them in! I'm currently accepting preferences, imagines, and oneshots. Once again, thanks so much to jojoswahy for the request!!)

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