she's got a way (l.m.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by thirteenthreasonswhy. I hope you like it! The song in the title is a reference to the song of the same name by Billy Joel. Now, on with the oneshot!)

        The gymnasium was abuzz with energy. The pep rally was in full swing. The school was celebrating the varsity hockey team, now known as the Ducks, latest victory that got them into the finals. I was so proud of them. They'd had a good year and deserved the spot.

       The Ducks, including my boyfriend, Luis, were sitting in a row of folding chairs in the middle of the gym while the cheerleaders did a routine. I was in the crowd watching my boyfriend watch the cheerleaders.

       I couldn't help but envy the cheerleaders a bit. They captured just about every guy's attention easily and seemed so perfect all the time. And I was Ordinary, plain old Y/N.

       My heart dropped a bit when I saw him look at one of the skinnier cheerleaders with a smirk. He then turned and whispered something in his friend's ear and then they did a small handshake, both of them smirking now. I looked down at myself with a sigh. 

       'He probably wishes I were that skinny.' I thought to myself. 

       It really boggled my mind sometimes that someone like Luis would want to go out with someone like me. He's just so perfect and I'm so...not. It's not that I was trying to be hard on myself but sometimes my brain just won't shut up.

       I must have gotten into my own head for too long because before I knew it, the pep rally was over and Luis was making his way over to me.

       "Hey, mi amor." Luis said, kissing me on the cheek. He sat down next to me in the bleachers.

       "Hey, Speedy." I said back. I couldn't help but smile at his kiss. But it wasn't long before my negative thoughts came back.

       "Did you enjoy the pep rally?" Luis asked. He pressed another kiss to my cheek, this time lingering a bit.

       "Luis...why are you with me?" I asked him, ignoring his question.

       His kisses stopped and he pulled away to look at me with a confused expression. "What?"

       "Why are you with me? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love you, but you could have anyone you want and yet you're with me...why?" I said, looking down at my hands.

       "Where is this coming from?" Luis asked, confusion still written across this face.

       "Well, I saw you looking at that one cheerleader and-"

       "I wasn't looking at any of the cheerleaders." Luis said.

       "I saw you looking, Luis. I don't blame you." I said, fiddling with my fingers. "Maybe if I looked like that you wouldn't have to look at someone else."

       "I wasn't looking at the cheerleaders because I'm interested in them. I was looking because I was thinking about you in one of their uniforms."

       My head shot up to look at him as a blush spread across my face. He was looking at me with his signature smirk and a slight blush on his own cheeks.

       "You can ask Portman. I told him so during the pep rally." Luis said.

       "Really?" I asked.

       "Definitely." He said back.

       "But you could have anyone. Why me?" I asked.

       "Corazon, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met, both inside and out. Don't ever doubt yourself." Luis said, pressing yet another kiss to my cheek.

       I accepted his kiss before turning my head to connect our lips. I felt him smile into the kiss and couldn't help but smile too. As we pulled back, he rested his forehead against mine.

       "So...what's the possibility of me seeing you in one of those uniforms?"


(A/N: Thanks again to thirteenthreasonswhy for the request! I hope you liked it. This is the last request for TMD so I thought it was fitting that it ended with a Luis oneshot since it started with one. That's all for this book! See you in TMD 2! Thanks!!)

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