do their families like you?

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(Preference: do their families* like you or not?)

Adam Banks: Sort of! The few times that you've met his parents, his mother seemed to like you but his father thinks you're a distraction. You haven't really met his brother since he's away at college.

Charlie Conway: His mom loves you! Since it was just Charlie and his mom, you got to know Casey really well when you and Charlie were just friends. She thinks of you as one of them and is always happy to see you.

Guy Germaine: His parents adore you! They've known you since you were little so they weren't at all surprised when you and Guy got together. They didn't treat you any differently than they did before...except their insistence that doors remain open now.

Greg Goldberg: His father likes you, his mother...not so much! His father thinks you're a good match for his son. His mother, well, just doesn't think you're good enough for her baby boy. Don't take it too hard though, she doesn't think anyone is!

Lester Averman: His parents love you! They think you provide a much needed balance to their son's jokester personality. If anything, they were a bit worried at first that he'd be a bad influence on you.

Luis Mendoza: His dad and older sisters like you a lot! It took them a little while to get that you and Luis were serious about each other, given his previous dating record, but it didn't take long for his sisters to begin telling you embarrassing stories about their little brother.

Dwayne Robertson: His parents think of you as family! You were actually a little overwhelmed when you met them for the first time. You now understood where their son got his zest for life from. But that just made you like them all the more!

(*Some liberties were taken with each Duck's family based on the info given from the trilogy. For example: I know a stepfather for Charlie was mentioned in D2, but wasn't mentioned at all in D3 so I'm going under the assumption that Casey is divorced again. I also gave Luis just a dad and two older sisters since I think Adam's the only duck to have a sibling mentioned.)

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