the search is over (f.r.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by mentally_unstable_00. Thanks for the request! I hope you like it! The title is actually a reference to the song of the same name by Survivor. Now, on with the oneshot! Thanks!!)

       "Hey, L/N. Your boyfriend's here."

       I look up as I hear my supervisor call out to me. Entering the record store is my best friend, Fulton. I groan at my supervisor's mislabeling and turn to him.

       "He's not my boyfriend. We're not like that." I say, making my way from behind that counter.

       And it was true. We weren't like that. I mean, sure, we cuddle sometimes and are constantly hanging out with each other and sometimes kiss each other on the forehead but we're just best friends! We'd known each other for a few years now, ever since I joined the Ducks with my cousin, Julie, during the Goodwill Games. We're now juniors at Eden Hall and Fulton is one of the constants in my life.

       "Hey, Fult," I say as I make my way up to him. He's looking at one of the new albums we just got in.

       "Hey, Y/N/N." He says back with a small smile. A smile that is usually reserved just for me.

       "What brings you in?" I asked. I started fixing a display not too far from where we're standing.

       "Nothing really. Just bored." He says, walking slightly passed me to look more at the new arrivals section.

       "Bored? And you came to see me? I'm so flattered." I said sarcastically.

       "You should be. It was either this or being bored at home." Fulton chuckled. 

       I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but giggle myself. "Well, let me know if you need anything." I say, walking back up to the front.

       I try to go back to work but my eyes keep finding their way back to Fulton. He's just so...I don't know how to describe it! He just makes me feel so safe and good about myself. I'm always so happy when I'm with him and I just want to kiss him and- WHOA. Did I really just think that?


       I look up to see Fulton right in front of me. I blush, fearing he'd been able to hear my thoughts. But he just smiles his small smile at me like always.

       "Y-yeah?" I ask.

       "I called your name, like, 5 times and you didn't answer. You okay?" He asks back.

       I nod, not trusting my words, and a piece of hair falls in front of my face. Before I can brush it back, Fulton's already doing it for me, his palm briefly brushing my cheek. I feel the blush on my cheeks deepen.

       "Um, yeah! I'm fine. Just a little brain fart there." I say, laughing slightly for effect. What was going on with me? I don't like Fulton like that! I mean...right?

       "Oh, okay. Well, you're done in a few minutes, right?" He asks.

       I look at the clock. He's right.

       "Yeah. I just have to clock out. Why?" I nervously drum my fingers.

       "Wanna grab some pizza or something?" Fulton asks, leaning on the counter.

       "S-sure! Just give me a few minutes and I'll meet you out front." I say.

       "Cool. See you in a few." With that, he turns and makes his way out to the front of the store.

       I feel a giddiness in my stomach that I've only felt when talking to my crushes before as I hurry to clock out of my shift. Do I really like Fulton? There's no way! We're just best friends! Friends who cuddle...and hang out all the time...and kiss each other on the...


(A/N: Thanks again to mentally_unstable_00 for the request! I hope it was okay! I don't really have anything else to say lol Until next time! Thanks!!)

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