all 4 love (a.b.) (requested)

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(This oneshot was requested by zbansks. Thanks so much for the request! I hope you like it! This oneshot is rated a little bit PG-13 because of a hinted at sexual reference so if that kind of thing bothers you, you might want to skip this oneshot. It's not too bad though and it's over quickly. The title is a reference to the song of the same name by Color Me Badd. Now, without further ado, on with the oneshot!)

       The mall was alive with people of all ages shopping, laughing, and just having fun. I was sitting in the food court reading my book and eating my ice cream cone while I waited for my boyfriend, Adam, to return from the bathroom. As I turned the page, I heard the scraping of the seat next to me being pulled out and smiled, thinking it was Adam. Wrong.

       "Hey, cutie. What are you doing here all by yourself?" Rick Riley asked me.

        Ugh, Rick Riley. He's been after me nearly all year. He's been doing his version of flirting with me every chance he gets. It got even worse when he found out I was already dating Adam. Now, he actively seeks me out outside of school as well.

       "Riley, please leave me alone." I say, trying to sound confident. Normally I am a confident person but when it comes to creeps hitting on me, I get intimidated really fast.

       "Aw, come on, Y/L/N! Don't be like that. You know, if it were up to me, you'd be licking something other than that ice cream cone." Rick said, smirk engrained on his face.

       And that was my cue to leave. I quickly shut my book and stood up from my chair. No longer hungry, I went to throw my ice cream cone away but was pulled back to the table by a hand grabbing my wrist. 

       "Let go." I say timidly, hating the sound of my voice. I can take down guys twice my size on the ice but I can barely stand up for myself now.

       "No way. Not 'til you give me a kiss." Rick replied, pulling me in close by my gripped wrist.

       "I said let go!" I said, a little louder this time.

       "Just kiss me and I'll let you go!" Rick said, his grip on my wrist tightening further making me wince.


       A voice called from behind me. I relaxed a bit. I knew that voice anywhere. I looked over my shoulder to see my boyfriend, Adam, standing there absolutely fuming.

       "Y/N said let go. So let go, you bastard!" Adam said, coming over and grabbing Rick's hand that was gripping my own wrist.

       "Stay out of this, Banks!" Rick said, yanking me forward. 

       In my surprise, I wound up falling over the chair I was previously sitting on. In his own surprise, Rick let go of my wrist as I whacked my head against the floor of the food court. I yelped in pain and the next thing I knew, there was a punching sound and Rick Riley was a foot away from me on the ground too, holding his jaw in pain. Adam was quickly at my side, helping me sit up.

       "Are you okay?" He asked me tenderly. He checked the back of my head, which wasn't bleeding thankfully, and slowly helped me to my feet.

       "Yeah, I'm okay." I say. I wince as I feel the pain in my skull and the bruise forming on my wrist. 

       Adam brought my wrist to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss. Seeing the darkening skin seemed to renew his anger and he went to take a step towards Rick, who was still on the floor. I quickly pulled him back and shook my head, letting him know he wasn't worth it.

       "Banks, you son of a bitch! I think you knocked one of my fillings out!" Rick cried, rolling around the floor pathetically.

       "You're lucky that's all I did!" Adam yelled back as two mall security guards came over.

       After telling them what happened and getting a statement from a few onlookers who witnessed the whole affair, they escorted Rick out of the mall with promise of month long ban. They checked my head and assured that other than a bump, I should be completely fine. Once they left, it was just me and Adam.

       "Thank you." I said. I placed a kiss on his now bruising knuckles.

       "You don't need to thank me. I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Adam said, picking up my forgotten book from the table.

       "I love you, Adam." I said, quietly. 

       Adam smiled at me softly. "I love you too, Y/N."

       I quickly pecked his lips which he returned with another peck. It quickly became passionate and we had to stop before it got too far into PDA territory. Adam rested his forehead against mine as our lips finished dancing together. I smiled, knowing whenever I needed him, my knight in shining armor would always be there.

(Thanks again to zbansks for the request! I had a good time writing this one! I always love writing for 'knight in shining armor' moments for the Ducks. Well, I'm off now to write more requests! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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