it's oh so quiet (g.g.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by itz_britney_bitch. I'm so sorry it took so long! I hope you like it! The title of this oneshot is a reference to the song of the same title by Bjork. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       It was nearly silent in the library as Guy and I entered for our date, save for hushed whispers and the sound of pages being turned. We found two empty seats together and set our bags down before making our way to the rows of books. Our literature teacher had given us the assignment of writing a report on a great literary love story and we wanted to get a head start on it.

       As we wondered the rows of books, I pulled a few books that I thought would be good choices for our report. I watched as Guy examined a book or two but ultimately leave them behind on the shelf. I tilted my head at his actions but trusted his judgement nonetheless. After another 5 minutes of searching, we made our way back to our seats.

       "You grabbed quite a few books." Guy whispered, examining the pile I put on the table.

       "Yeah. I couldn't decide which one to take. They're all so good!" I whispered back excitedly. I was really excited to get started on this assignment.

       "Okay. What's your first pick?" Guy asked, just as quietly as before.

       "Well, how about Romeo and Juliet?" I suggested.

       An unimpressed look crossed Guy's face. "Isn't that a little obvious?" He asked, his eyebrow raised.

      "I guess you're right." I glanced at the book for a moment before putting it off to the side. I picked up the next one and showed it to him. "How about Wuthering Heights?" I asked.

      I watched Guy's face as he actually seemed to consider the idea before shaking his head.

       "Why?" I asked, kind of disappointed.

       "I mean, Catherine and Heathcliff don't even end up together. The couple should at least end up together, right?" Guy said, moving the book to the reject pile.

       I was starting to get annoyed now. Normally I loved how deeply Guy thought when it came to literature but with the deadline for our project looming ever closer, I was starting to run out of that loving feeling. Luckily, I knew he'd say yes to my next pick.

      "Okay. How about Pride and Prejudice? It's perfect!" I said, my voice raising a bit. I was quickly scolded by a passing librarian and smiled in apology. "It's perfect!" I said again in a whisper.

       Pride and Prejudice was one of my favorite books and Guy knew that. There was no way he'd say no to me on this one. My excitement fell as Guy once again shook his head.

       "It just doesn't seem right. At least not compared to the one I have in mind. It pales in comparison, really." Guy said.

       I rolled my eyes. "And just what great love story is so great that not even Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy compare to it?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

       "Ours." He said, simply. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together, giving me his trademark boyish grin.

       I melted at his touch. Leave it to Guy to turn me to mush with only one word. I leaned in and gave his a lingering peck on the lips. "You're a real romantic, you know that?" I asked, softly.

       He ducked his head briefly before bringing his head back up to look in my eyes, still smiling. "Only for you." He said.

       Eventually we did pick a real literary couple to do our report but for now, we were happy discussing our love story. And boy, was it a love story.

(A/N: Thanks again to itz_britney_bitch for the request! Sorry again that it took so long! I'm planning on reopening requests once we reach either 30k or 31k so if any of you lovelies have any requests for preferences, imagines, or oneshots, get ready to send them in! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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