i'll stand by you (g.g.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by anonymous. I hope you like it! The song in the title is a reference to the song of the same name by The Pretenders. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       A steady beeping sound woke me up.

       'Wait...when did I fall asleep?' I think to myself. I went to sit up but was immediately hit with a terrible headache. Wincing, I laid back down and took in my surroundings. I was laying in a bed with a few wires attached to my arm. A curtain surrounded the area. It hit me then that I was in a hospital. I tried to remember what had happened. Slowly, it was all coming back to me.


       The game was on. Taking a quick breather, I slowed down to a stop off to the side. Other players rushed past me on the ice as they chased the puck. I had been feeling off the whole game and it was really affecting my playing. 

       "You okay, Y/N/N?" I looked up to see my boyfriend, Guy, stopping next to me. He put a gloved hand on my shoulder with a concerned look on his face.

       "Yeah. I'm fine." I said back. I offered him a smile that he returned before he skated off.

       'C'mon, Y/N! Get your head in the game!' I mentally berated myself. I quickly shook my head to get myself focused. Just then, the puck came sliding to a stop right in front of me.

       "Y/N! LOOK OUT!"

       "Huh?" I managed to say before I was slammed into on both sides. I heard a whistle being blown before I felt myself falling and my world went black.


       My hand flew to my head where I felt a bandage wrapped around it. 

       'Well, that explains the headache.' I thought. Continuing to look around I spotted Guy asleep on the chair next to my bed. A smile crept its way onto my face as I watched him sleep. He just looked so cute!

       I looked up as I heard the curtain surrounding my little area being pulled back.

       "Oh good! You're up. How're you feeling?" A nurse asked me. I tore my gaze away from Guy and looked at the nurse looking at my chart.

       "Yeah. How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

       "Only about an hour. You took a pretty nasty hit there." The nurse said.

       "And how long has he been here?" I asked, nodding my head in Guy's direction and immediately regretting it when another pang of pain rang through.

       "Since you were brought in. Refused to leave your side. All the adrenaline from the game and beating up those two guys must have taken a lot out of him."

       "What? Beating up two guys? Guy?!" I asked incredulously. My sweet, gentle Guy beating anyone up was unheard of.

       "Yep! Apparently, it took a ref and two coaches to pull him off. Had to give one of them stitches for a busted lip not too long ago." The nurse said, checking my head bandage. "I'll be back in a few to check on you again." With that, she was gone.

       I looked at my sleeping boyfriend again. The sound of the nurse leaving must have woken him up because he was looking back at me with sleepy eyes.

       "Hey, you." I said, smiling.

       "Cara mia." Guy said, groggily. He slowly sat up and stretched his arms above his head. I couldn't help but blush a bit as his shirt rode up over his abs as he stretched.

       "Did you really take on two guys for me?" I asked, sitting up again, slower this time.

       Guy jumped up and helped me sit up the rest of the way. He looked at me with a sheepish look on his face.

       "...I did." He finally said. "They were gunning for you. The puck wasn't even in play when they smashed into you! I couldn't let them get away with hurting you like that." Guy explained with a sigh. 

       "You didn't have to do that." I said, putting my hand on his arm.

        He put his hand on top of mine, his thumb rubbing the back of my hand. 

       "I didn't really mean to. It was just...when I saw you go down, something in me snapped. I didn't realize what I had done until they were pulling me off the guy." Guy said, quietly.

       That I could believe. Guy wasn't the violent type. I smiled at him as he brought my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it.

       "I love you." I said, feeling him smile against my hand.

       "I love you too." Guy said back. "So much."

       Guy sat back down and filled me in on the rest of the game. We'd won, just like I thought we would. I mean, we had a five point lead when I was hit. Not long after he was finished, the doctor came over and gave me the 'okay' to go home. My parents signed me out and let Guy push my wheelchair to the exit. I had a mild concussion but with plenty of rest, I was going to be fine. I had the best person to nurse me back to health. My surprisingly protective boyfriend, Guy.

(A/N: Thanks again to anonymous for the request! I hope you liked it! I see Guy as more of a lover than a fighter but when someone he loves gets hurt, look out. I have no medical training so anything described is all from TV shows and such. That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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