i'll be there for you (a.b) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by Karr3on_7. Thanks so much for the request! I hope you like it! Sorry it's a bit short! The title of this oneshot is a reference to the song by The Rembrandts aka the 'Friends' theme song. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       "I still can't believe you broke your ankle rollerblading."

       I heard my boyfriend, Adam, chuckle from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes as I sat on the couch with my left ankle elevated on a pillow in a bright yellow cast that was signed by all my friends. "Well, it's not like it was exactly my fault. How was I to know Averman's shortcut was filled with rocks?" I said back.

       "Why would you trust Averman's shortcut to begin with?" He asked, coming back to the living room with an armful of snacks in one hand and some sodas in the other.

       "Well, I...Shut up." I retorted eloquently. I mean, he had a point.

       "You're just lucky hockey season's over." Adam said, sitting down next to me. He put the snacks and sodas on the coffee table next to my casted leg. One of the sodas tapped my leg and gave me an idea.

       "Ow!" I cried out. That had Adam immediately jumping up with a scared look on his face.

       "What?!" He asked.

       "Just kidding." I said, giggling. 

       After a few seconds, he slowly sat back down next to me with a pout. "That's not funny." He said, sourly.

       I just shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe next time you won't make fun of me when I'm in such a fragile state." I retorted, throwing my arm over my eyes in true damsel-in-distress style.

      "Fragile? I'll show you fragile!" Adam said right before attacking me with tickles.

       I burst out laughing immediately. I was probably the most ticklish out of the Ducks and they all knew it, especially Adam. He rarely used it against me but this wasn't one of those times.

       "Adam, stop!" I shouted, giggling the whole time.

       After another minute of torture, he finally let up, instead reaching for the TV remote. It took me a minute to catch my breath. In the meantime, Adam started flipping through the channels.

       "Okay, okay. And what would my 'fragile' love like to watch?" He asked, turning back to look at me.

       "Anything's fine." I say, leaning forward to grab one of the sodas. Adam nodded and put on a rerun of 'Full House'. He made a face but tried his best to hide it. I knew it wasn't his favorite show so I reached for the remote and changed the channel myself.

       "What are you doing? You love 'Full House'." Adam asked, giving me a quizzical look.

       "Yeah, but you don't. And since you're taking such good care of me, you should get a say in what we watch." I said back. I flipped through the channels before finding a hockey game. 

       I put the remote down and Adam put his arm around me. I snuggled into his side as he kissed the top of my head. Maybe having a broken ankle wasn't the worst thing in the world.

(A/N: Thanks again to Karr3on_7 for the request! I know it's a bit short and I'm sorry about that. I'm still trying to get my energy levels back up. As always, requests are still open so send them in if you got 'em! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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