chapter 3 - ciao and kalimera

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3pm rolled around the next day and the boys who were making the trip to Greece started to assembly in the lobby. Jake and Fikayo were the first ones down, shortly followed by the two Doms and Dean. Madders and Tammy came down but Tammy was quickly back of up the elevator to get his passport which he had left in his room, to no ones surprise and everyone's amusement. Phil and Mason strolled on up to the group and once Tammy got back the nine of them were ready to go.

"Shotgun back seat" Tammy hollered as they got onto the minibus.

"You don't shotgun a backseat Tam." Mason piped up.

"Yes you do Mount I just did." Tam retorted.

"Nah defs only for front seat situation Abraham." Solanke backed up the younger Chelsea boy.

Jake looked on at them squabbling over the back seat. There was no denying that DCL was stereotypically the most attractive out of the group, he thought, with his model cheekbones and washboard abs. But he couldn't help admiring Mason. His butter-wouldn't-melt eyes. His killer smile. Pretty boy good looks. He'll break a few hearts before he's done, Jake pondered as he took his seat before the minibus seat off to the airport.

 He'll break a few hearts before he's done, Jake pondered as he took his seat before the minibus seat off to the airport

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tammyabraham: don't remember saying id chip in for the wings @jakerivers6 ☀️🇮🇹➡️🇬🇷

jakerivers6: don't remember you complaining when you were on them...
leahmonroe_: where was my invite?! kidding, enjoy boys!
chelseafc: enjoy the break tammy!

Touchdown in Greece and the boys were bowled over by the villa. Right on a private beach, overlooked by nothing, yet only 10 minute drive into the main town. Best of both worlds - privacy and party! 5 rooms meant the battle for who didn't have to share was on. Jake protested that because he booked it, he should definitely get first dibs. The boys had none of that and instead devised a race: first one from villa into the sea and back, downs a beer and jumps in the pool wins. "I'm absolutely having all your pants down at this" boasted Phil, who instantly was pantsed by Madders who the screamed "GO" and they all ran off in pursuit of the room, leaving Phil behind. Madders reached the sea first but was pushed in by Dean, as Mason sprinted back up the beach and down the beer, before the rest had opened their bottles, leaving him to bomb into the pool and claim the room.


Greek Gods and Grandad

grandad: massive foul play in that race, can't believe that I've now been left to share with philippa

foden: woah you pantsed me right at the start so you kicked off the foul play. plus blessed to be sharing with me

hendo changed foden's nickname to philippa

DCL: 😂😂😂

Solanke: me and Dom are gonna do a supermarket run, anyone wanna come or you all still showering?

DCL: plus fire in anything you want picking up

mase: beer pls

tammy: oooh you're hard (beers as well pls)

feeks: what we doing about food?

solanke: me and dom will cook tonight and just buy a load of stuff

rivers: sounds good. still showering - beer n tequila please

DCL: food and alcohol we get the picture, we got it covered - maybe you princesses will be finished getting ready by the time we are back 💅


They had all made there way out onto the terrace by the time the Doms got back and were well into the beers. DCL was on the bbq and solanke nobly assisted as they cooked some immense Korean style chicken. The boys are and drank as the evening turned into night and the tunes began pumping and the drinking games started. Ring of fire was well underway, madders already looked like he was going to be the 1st to fall, even after a couple of beers in.

"Drink mase, you looked at me again, I'm snake eyes!" Jake laughed, catching mason's gaze again.

"Ah shit, I keep forgotting" Mase admitted, taking another sip.

"Can't help my eyes being irresistible to look at" Jake bantered back at him. The circle of cards was broken by Phil, who looked like he was very prepared for the consequences, downing the drink in the middle of the table before everyone had joined in the chants of 'we like to drink with Phil'.

"Surely winner picks next game. Let's play 'never have I ever' lads."

"Secret spilling time!" Madders squealed. His voice seemed to get higher with ever passing beer.

"Ok but no more sipping beers, if you've done the the deed in question then you must have a shot." Hendo said as he passed around some shot glasses. 'Never have I ever' always made Jake feel a little uneasy but he joined in nevertheless.

A few rounds went by. "Never have I ever had sex on a beach" was Mason's offering, with DCL, madders, Tammy and Phil drinking. DCL was next, "never have I ever spewed on a night out" to which everyone drank but DCL and fikayo. That shot sent madders over the edge and he immediately took himself to bed, to the sounds of everyone's jeers. It was Phil's turn, "Never have I ever done stuff with a guy". The circle's atmosphere turned a little bit, Jake's stomach dropped, but with a few shots and beers behind him, he filled his shot glass and necked it back. This wasn't a surprise to most of the group. Dean Hendo was one of the first people Jake came out to back in the Manchester United U18s. He'd told Fik, DCL and Solanke after the U20 World Cup and Tammy last summer. All of them had been super supportive. Jake had been terrified every time he told new people, especially footballers - fearful of their reaction and that they would keep his secret.

His memories of telling the guys in front of him flashed in his mind. Hendo had just hugged him for ages, DCL was really keen to go gay clubbing, Fik had reassured him that he was still his bro, Solanke told him how courageous he was, Tam simply cheered and gave him a huge high 10 followed by a hug. All positive experiences. It didn't make having to explain to two new people much easier though. Jake jumped in before any follow up could be had, once his tequila has settled in his stomach. "Philippa, Mase - most the other guys here know this but I'm gay."
"Shit Jake, I'm sorry what a stupid question, genuinely man" Phil profusely apologised.
"Phil, honestly, it's cool man, no offence taken" Jake reassured him he wasn't hurt. "But yeah, I've been out to a select few for a while, I'm not broadcasting it as I'd like to keep it out of the media, but I'm not hiding who I am from those who I'm close to. And look I have a lot of time for you both and feel comfortable to tell you."
Phil got up and threw his arms round his midfield partner. "Well that's class Jake, honoured you feel like you could tell me and love you longtime bro".
Mason had been quiet but on Phil hugging Jake, he got up and joined in the hug. "Yeah Jake, I'm so happy you could share and anytime you need anything just ask" Jake felt relieved at the two younger boys words.
"Right onto the next one you wet wipes! Never have I ever had a pear." Hendo piped up much to everyone's amusement.

The night was young and the lads continued their quest to get obliterated...

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