chapter 35 - its official

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"Why did I drink that much?" Mason moaned.

"No stopping you last night, you boozy legendddd." Jake teased him, as the pair lay in bed.

"Oh dear, what did I do? I wasn't too PDA was I?"

"No no, all cool. You didn't out yourself to the whole party."

"Shit my parents were there, I didn't even speak to them did I?" Mase asked.

"Well you had a solid 20 minute conversation with them so yes you did." Jake laughed

"Jeeeeeees, I don't really remember that."

"Lew was there though, hopefully he policed you fairly well."

"I need food and coffee. That'll sort me."

"Speaking my language, Mr Mount." A knock followed at the bedroom door.

"Morning boys, I'm doing some breakfast bits for me and Dec, do you want in? We have eggs, meats, fruits, whatever yous fancy." Lauren called in.

"Aww Lau that would be sensational." Mase thanked her.

"Cool, be down in 30 and all will be done."

Mase rolled over and grinned at Jake. "Hmm what can be done in 30 minutes."

Jake smiled mischievously back. "I guess I do owe you birthday sex. With the amount of time that's it's been though, I don't think we will be lasting 30 minutes."

"I'll enjoy finding out." Mase smirked


The pair stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen together. The breakfast spread Lauren had put on was sensational. This was definitely going to sort out any sore heads.

"Shit me, Lauren, this is insane! Thank you." Jake said, in shock at the choice in front of him.

"Well sounds like you both worked up an appetite." Lauren laughed. Mase and Jake both went red; Jake laughed too, but Mase look like he wanted to die. "Yeah the walls and ceilings aren't as soundproof as we would like." She smirked.

"Apologies." Mase said in embarrassment.

Dec walked in to join them and debrief on last night. Mason's state was a hot topic of conversation, they also talked about Madders and also who else was a drunk mess.

"What you got planned for today boys?" Dec asked.

"Oh not much to be fair, chilling. Don't have to drive back til Sunday night so." Jake answered.

Mase looked slightly shifty, but Jake wasn't sure if that was just his hangover.

"Actually, I have a bit of a day planned if you are up for it?" Mase asked Jake.

"Oh Mase, that's sweet. It's your birthday though, surely I'm the one who should've planned something?!"

"No it's cool, I wanted to do something nice so." Mase smiled. "You better go get changed, have to leave in 20 mins."

"Yikes, better get a shift on. Well your birthday present is also waiting for you upstairs as well so there is my 'something nice' thing done for the day." Jake laughed.

"Ahhh didn't see you sneak that into the room last night."

"Well, Deccers here may have helped me source so think it arrived before me."

"Can't wait to open." Mase called out, as they both rushed up the stairs.


@jakerivers6 via private Instagram story

@jakerivers6  via private Instagram story

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masonmount: may have to turn 21 more often 😍

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masonmount: may have to turn 21 more often 😍

liked by jakerivers6, jorginhofrello and mateokovacic8
declanrice: fresh fresh fresh
benchilwell: stepping up the shoe game man 😍
tammyabraham: no way would you ever pick something as sick as these yourself - defo a gift 😂


"Mase, where the hell are we?"

"We are literally here man, have some patience." He smiled. They pulled into a crazy golf course, that was totally empty bar one car. Jas, Mason's sister, emerged as they also got out.

"Hey boys." She threw some keys to Mase. "Drop the keys off by 5, Mase. Have fun you two!" And with that she drove off, leaving just the pair of them in the car park.

"Care to explain what's going on?" Jake asked.

"Well, I thought what are cliché dates, you know the stuff we could never go to. And I thought crazy golf would be sick. You always see couples at them, we would never be able to go to a public one. So here we are, Jas's mate owns one and she agreed to give it us for the afternoon."

Jake tried not to blush too much, but this was a very cute idea. The two of them made their way round the 18 holes, had some drinks, got insanely competitive and enjoyed the afternoon sun.

"Losers have to buy dinner, it's the rules." Jake laughed, lauding his victory over Mase.

"Alright, but I thought we could catch the sunset somewhere before we bring these keys back to my sister."

"Sounds good."

They drove to a hillside nearby, and got out to admire the orange winter sunset. They sat on a bench Mase led them to, and sat on silence as the world went by around them. Jake lay his head on Mason's shoulder; Mason moved his arm to bring him in closer.

"I may have brought you here with an ulterior motive." Mase spoke into the distance.

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"I realised that after everything over the past few months, the 'I love you' thing, exes, the dating; that I hadn't actually asked you to be my boyfriend."

Jake looked up into Mason's face, the Chelsea boy beaming back at him.

"Is that you asking then?" Jake winked.

"It is actually. Jacob Javier Patrick Rivera, will you be my boyfriend?"

Jake rose up and kissed him. "Mason Tony Mount, yes I will."

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