chapter 54 - u turn

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Greek gods and grandad

dcl: I'm sat with solanks and we've had a great idea

solanks: we have

dcl: we haven't all seen each other all together in ages, so I say we throw rivs a coming out party

hendo: im so in

rivs: hahaha thanks lads but truly we can just meet up and get pissed without a reason

foden: meh that's boring tho rivs

foden: this way we can do that and celebrate your new freedom

madders: so down, can we wear pride colours

tammy: get me in a lace number and dancing to a diva anthem

feeks: yeah rivs I'm sorry but we are all so proud of you, you have no choice in our exploitation of this event

rivs: ffs 😂😂😂

hendo: let's share some dates and get this in the diary

madders: yessssss

foden: buzzing

tammy: diana ross sing to me





Mase was sat in his parents front room, watching Sky Sports as usual. He'd spent a fair bit of time their between trainings, since returning to Surrey. He craved some normalcy after the past few months and the Mount family home gave him that.

"How was training love?" Debbie called into the room, as she came back from a shopping trip.

"Yeah fine." Mase responded automatically.

"How are the boys? How's Dec? How's Jake?"

"Yeah the Chelsea lot are good, Jake and Dec back to club training too so everyone's just settling back in."

Debbie finally came at sat down. "That's all great to hear! How's Jake finding being back now he's out?"

"Yeah good, he's said everyone at United has been great so he's just getting his head down to some hard training like he usually would." Mase replied.

"It's so lovely to see the great reaction. I'm so proud of you both." Debbie beamed.

"I've not done anything Mum," Mase partially chuckled, "He's the brave one."

"Well I'm still proud of you both, how you've supported him too. Hopefully, it gives you a look at how it's fine to be out and in football." Debbie persisted with the topic.

"Hmmm." Mason's replied reduced to a grunt.

"What's up love? Something seems off?"

"I'm fine Mum, just would love a day where I don't have to talk about being gay or being with someone who's also gay, or discussing coming out as gay."

"Sorry Mase, was just trying to be supportive."

"I know. It just feels like all I'm talking about at the minute. All mine and Jake's friends who know about us. You guys. Jake's family. It's just constant."

"Okay, okay. I think people will just want you to know that it's okay and they are there for you too."

"I'm not coming out so I don't need them to be there for me." Mase replied bluntly.

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