chapter 26 - london town

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After the win, most of the team had a day off before returning to their respective clubs. This meant one thing - hitting the town. The lads got back to the hotel and hit their rooms straight away to get changed. Jake swiped his key card and opened his door. He felt hands wrap round his waist and scoop him into the room, from behind. Mase slammed the door behind them.

"Won't be caught out twice by that one!" Mase smirked. He pushed Jake onto the bed, and began kissing his neck.

"We don't have time for this Mase!" laughed Jake. "We have to be in the reception bar at half 8 and I still need to shower."

"Let's kill two birds with one stone then." Mason winked, pulling Jake up and into the shower. The two footballers explored each other's body's under the steaming water, making each other involuntarily moan and sigh at each other's touch. They both climaxed together, both nearly collapsing with pleasure.

"I love you Jake Rivers." Mase said, pressing his forehead against Jake's.

"I love you too Mason Mount." Jake smiled. The wait for the Chelsea boy to finally say it, was definitely worth it, Jake thought. No matter how he felt before, hearing those three words made anything but love,  melt away.


nemo rivers

Me and George are gonna
meet you out if that's ok?

Sure thing - think we'll be
heading from the hotel by 10

Oki broski


benchilwell: great way to round of this international break 🦁 proud, humble, grateful

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benchilwell: great way to round of this international break 🦁 proud, humble, grateful

liked by marcusrashford, harrymaguire93 and leicestercityfc
jakerivers6: 🥶🥶🥶
madders: my guyyyy 😍
jackgrealish: smashing it brother


Jake and Mase made staggered entrances to the hotel bar, to avoid suspicion. This didn't stop Trent giving a big wink over in Jake's direction. He'd totally forgot that he hadn't yet told Mase that Trent knew. Jake made note to himself to do that later.

"Cheers boys!" Jordan held his glass up, followed by cheers from the group and the clinking of glasses. Jake surveyed the room. Harry Kane was sat with a water, laughing with Harry Winks and Callum Wilson. You'd never see the captain indulge in a mid season pint. He said it just didn't bother him that much plus he was one of the biggest professionals Jake had met. Chilly and Madders were on the beverages however (a vodka soda lime though - the footballers midseason tipple), seeing who could throw a penny into the others drink. Marcus snapped Jake out of his gaze, clipping him round the ear as he entered the bar.

"Wagwarning Jakey, we drinking yeah?"

"A couple of vodka lemonades can't hurt surely." Jake laughed

"Right well you're buying." Marcus replied

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