chapter 19 - that sunday feeling

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And the day Mason had to return south.

"Shit, it's flown by J." Mase looked at the United midfielder with a longing stare.

"I know, it all has to be fair. Greece feels a lifetime ago."

"When do think we'll next see each other." Mase asked.

"Not sure, we play Chelsea at the start of December at Old Trafford, think the return fixture is in April. Maybe when I'm down in London for away games, we could sneak a day or two together?"

"Yeah December feels too far away. And I'm up here we can do the same."

"Dare I tempt fate and say England camp, maybe?" Jake laughed. Jake hadn't been in the senior squad since March and Mason hadn't been recalled since he trained with the team in 2018.

"That would be a dream, wouldn't it?"

They shared a kiss and hugged for a while before Mason got in his car and left. Jake felt like he didn't say enough before Mase left. He wanted to tell him how he felt, like he was falling for him, but it felt too soon for the L word and he didn't want to be too intense. But it left him feeling regretful. Plus, the uncertainty of when they'd see each other, never mind any of the other obstacles there was to their happiness. It weighed heavy on Jake that day. But he knew it was worth it. He kept reminding himself it was worth it.


the rivers fam

Mumma J: did Mase get off okay today Jake? x

Jake: He did thanks mum x

Niamh: are we opening a court session then? opinions on Mase (let's just forget Jake's here)

Jake: charming, thanks so much nemo 🤨

George: I really liked him - top guy

Molly: an absolute gem - plus fittttt

Niamh: yeah tbf jakey he is 🔥🔥🔥

Mumma J: definitely easy on the eye

Jake: mother please

Mumma J: I'm only saying love x

Dad: I really liked him - very nice boy, think he's a keeper J

Jake: well thanks for all your opinions fam

Mol: Dan wants me to add he also likes Mase

George: Jess wants me to add she's sad she didn't get to meet Mase

Niamh: well tell her to not to be galavanting off modelling or whatever xo

George: since relationships are weighing in on Mase, what does Rashy think nemo???

Niamh: you are so funny honestly top notch banter

Niamh: 🤨😐😑😴

George: I'm very funny

Dad: are you seeing Marcus, Niamhy?

Niamh: no dad George is being a nob

Dad: language

Dad: your mother is very hungover, she's just asked me to brush her hair 🤔

Molly: bloody hell Jane, pull yourself together.

Mumma J: im trying children, be nice to your mother she's fragile x

Jake: jesus Jane-O, had a mare there haven't ya

George: Nearly back in LDN, thanks for a sick weekend though fam, love you all

Mumma J: love you too son x

Dad: lovely to see you Geo ❤️

Jake: 🤮🤮🤮, jokes good to see you bro, I'll hit you up when my next game is down there

George: Kk bro



You home? Fancy coming round for a roast tonight?

Sounds good, ye I am

cool think jesse and martial are coming round too


did Mase get back alright?

Yeah he's just got back now


Well not sad but not exactly backflipping about it am I?

Don't snap at me Rivers, it's good you feel sad, means you have the feels.

Hurts like a bitch though

Well that's why you are going to come round and eat your feelings.

You speaking my language now MR


niamhriversss: sunday drives with the sis 🍃🚗

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niamhriversss: sunday drives with the sis 🍃🚗

liked by jakerivers6, marcusrashford and mollyrivers
georgerivers94: dressed up for the drive?
jessmontague: looking lovely hun- sad I didn't get to see you guys this weekend!
mollyrivers: my gal ❤️



Miss you already

Sucks doesn't it

Blows man

Bed not quite as fun without you in it too 😏

Shit, don't J, I'm getting hard just thinking off it

Need some sleep as training in the morning

And you're here working me up 🥵

Haha, well if you need your sleepy pretty boy then don't let me stop you

Night J

Night Mase


Author's Note
Hi guys, thanks for reading, just a short one today. Really enjoy writing the Rivers family stuff, let me know if you guys like it or not/ what do you what more of?
Big love x

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