chapter 50 - calm before the storm

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The private jet touched down in Manchester just after 5am UK time, and Jake and Mase were back at the former's house with 45 minutes. There, already, were Sam (Jake's agent), Jake's Mum and Dad, Molly, Niamh, Marcus and Dean. Sam was on the phone, as was Sergio, and they continued their phone calls as Jake and Mason brought their bags in from the car. Jane, Molly and Niamh couldn't help but get straight in on the hugs as soon so Jake had put his bags down.

"Right, I love you all, but if you continue to all hug me every 4 seconds I'll be crying all day and nothing with get sorted, alright?" Jake said with a smile.

"Okay, okay - but put us to use because I need to feel busy I think." Molly replied, with Jane nodding along too.

"Right well, I've tonnes of washing and could kill a cuppa?"

"Yeah I'm out, I'm chill not feeling busy." Niamh smirked in response, to which they all laughed.

"Right, tea Jake? Mase, what can I get for you?" Jane began taking orders and it felt like she didn't stop doing so for the remainder of the day. She and Molly bumbled off to be busy, and finally released Jake from the hug.

"Right I know about that hug thing but we didn't get a turn so..." Marcus said as he and Dean pulled Jake and Mase into a hug.

"Fuck sake." Jake laughed. They eventually let the duo go, only to decide they weren't done hugging yet and recommence.

"Right, I'm just going to hang round, be a general nuisance, or assistance if you need anything specific. Feel free to to tell me to piss off home if you genuinely need to space though rivs." Hendo announced.

"Same here, feel like I'm gonna be hard to kick out tho." Rashy chimed in.

"Thanks guys." Jake smiled.


"So spoke to England and United, they are in full support of whatever you decide to do. However having spoke with a legal team and the teams at United and England, all the lawyers are in agreement that there's nothing they can do to stop the images being printed tomorrow. They could apply pressure and threaten with subsequent legal action but it's unlikely they think to prevent it from coming out tomorrow."

"Okay, so what the price then?" Jake asked Sam.

"They've come to me and asked for an exclusive interview instead of leaking the photos. 100k if you'd like to wait a month"

"Right, well neither of them are options so."

"So I think we wait a couple hours, make sure there are no more photos - either ones that are more explicit, which sounds unlikely but not impossible from what you've said, or ones that include Mase too. This also gives us time to clue in sponsors and the clubs on any potential statement."

"Okay then, sounds like I'm coming out today then." Jake said. A loud 'whoop' came from Marcus and Dean, which made everyone laugh and start cheering too.

"I'll start making phone calls, Serg can you chat to United, Jake work on that statement." Sam gave his orders. He was someone Jake trusted implicitly and he felt incredibly lucky to have him.

Jake felt arms wrap around his waist.

"How you doing babe?" Mase spoke into his ear.

"I'm doing alright. It feels strange but I sort of knew I'd have to do this at some point. I didn't think I'd be forced into it like this, I thought I'd be doing it for a happier reason like for a relationship. But here we are."

"You are doing great. I love you." Mase kissed him on the cheek.

Jake's phone rang on the table and Niamh passed it over to him. Her face told him it was someone important.


"Hi Jake, It's Gareth."

"Oh, hi gaffer."

"I'm just calling to check in on how you are, the team here at England have filled me in on what's going on."

"I'm doing okay, don't get me wrong I'm devastated this is how it's happening, but I've got great people around me."

"I'm so glad to here that. You know we are also always here to support you in anyway you need. You are an incredibly brave and resilient person, Jake and I know that from the qualities you've shown me over your England career so far. I know they will stand you in good stead for the announcement. I will touch base in a few days but don't hesitate to call me before if you need. For anything." Southgate said.

"Thanks Gareth, that means a lot to me."

"How would you like to approach telling the group, any way you like is fine. Whether that from your statement or if you want to do something before?"

"I've drafted a message I was going to stick in the WhatsApp if that's okay, I'm going to do the same for United. Some of the guys already know so it wont be news to everyone."

"Whatever is right for you Jake, I'll let you get on with your day. Take care."

Phone calls from Ole, Harry Maguire and Harry Kane all felt to follow in quick succession.

"Okay Jake, there's no more photos come to light, the clubs are in the loop and in full support. Sponsors are more committed than ever. Nike are backing you all they way. It's just for you to write what you want to say now, we'll get legal to check it, then let's post." Sam said calmly.

"Ok, let me just go upstairs, get some space to decide what I want to say."

"Whatever you need." Mase placed his hands on his shoulders.

"I'm going to message both the United and England chats now, then write my statement." Jake climbed the stairs and sat at his study desk. He pondered all the events that had led to this. All the feelings he had felt as a young adult in football. A young gay adult. All the fear, anxiety, apprehension. Shame. He agreed with himself he couldn't stop feeling the other three. But he could stop feeling shame. What a wasted emotion. He wasn't ashamed of who he was. So he decided to stop feeling it because other people wanted him to. Jake began to write and suddenly he knew what he wanted to say.

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