chapter 40 - to be frank

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"Like Frank Lampard? Like your current manager Frank Lampard? Your personal idol Frank Lampard?"

Jake's jaw was still on the floor when Mason began explaining. The younger guy's face looked worried that he'd divulged too much, but also the alcohol was sending his mouth into overdrive.

"It was a long time ago now and it stopped way before he became manager at Chelsea. I'd just arrived at Vitesse on loan, and Frank was over too shadowing some coaching. I'd met him before but not like this. He was out there for a few weeks so we hung out a fair bit. Both being English in Holland and knowing nobody else probably led to us spending a bit more time together than was normal for a 19 and 39 year old. We got drunk one night and I told him that I liked guys, next minute we were naked in his bed. We got together for the rest of the time he was there. He went back to London but came out semi regularly and we would end up hooking up."

"What the actual fuck, Mase?!" Jake exclaimed, still in shock. "So you lost your virginity to him?"

"Yeah. I know this isn't going to sound good, but he was gentle and I felt safe, he was a great person for my first time."

"Then you just happened to go on loan to him at Derby for a year?!"

"That wasn't because of the sex, Jake!"

"So you didn't do anything after you left Vitesse then?"

Mason's face answered the question before his mouth moved. "Well we did a couple of times when I was there, but it was never relationship-py. We stopped having fun just after my 20th birthday. Decided that it was a bit too risky anyone finding out. It really didn't affect our professional relationship, hence why it's totally fine at Chelsea now."

Jake's head was fried by the whole revelation. "How has it taken you this long to tell me this?"

"I've never lied, I've just skirted around it. I've never told anyone about me and him because of the optics."

"Well you were right not to because I can't decide what's worse - the favouritism angle or the fact it looks like he's groomed you!"

"I was 19, I knew exactly what I was doing. He tried to cut off anything after his first stint in Holland, but I kept it up. It was new and exciting, exploring sex for the first time. But by the time it got to January when I was at Derby, it had run its course like we couldn't keep doing it and have our professional relationship stay in tact."

"I don't know how you can say professional relationship, to be honest. Surely if you are shagging your boss, the relationship isn't professional." Jake rebutted.

"J, I don't think you are being that fair here. It's a long time ago now, over a year ago, and I wanted to be open with you about it." Mason pleaded.

"It's just weird that you lost your virginity to your current boss. You haven't touched each other while he's been at Chelsea?"

"No, not once. He checks in on me about dating etc, because he knows how hard it was for me to accept. But we haven't once crossed any emotional or physical line since."

"So he knows we are together?"

"No, he just knows I'm seeing someone."

Jake was pensive, mulling over the bombshell Mase had just dropped. He was angry but he didn't know if he had reason to be.

"Look, I know it's a bit of a shock. It's a long time ago, we both have a past - mine just happens to now be my boss. Which I get isn't ideal for you." Mase admitted, climbing onto the sofa and leaning into Jake.

"Less than ideal, but I'm going to have to get over it arent I?" Jake sighed.

"Yes, you are." Mase giggled. Jake hoisted him up off the sofa and over his shoulder.

"Right well, better go and teach you a lesson upstairs first. Yanno, to help me get over it." Jake smirked

"Anything." Mase whispered.

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