chapter 46 - iso inbound

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"I don't need to know who that was you were putting in the lift, Jake. But that is a clear breach of our COVID bubble and more so, our high ethical standard." Ole spoke calmly. " I'm extremely disappointed you would put yourself above the safety of the group and the interests of the club. If we have COVID cases in camp and have to postpone next weeks game, that may be a forfeit and we would lose the chance to secure 3rd spot."

Jake listened, his stomach clenched with anxiety. He was truly disappointed in himself. It didn't feel like a big deal but as Ole laid out the facts, he realised he had fucked up.

"You will leave this room, go straight to yours, collect your things and then make your way into a car that will be waiting outside reception. This will take you back to Manchester. You will now be treated as a close contact of COVID-19 and therefore required to isolate for 10 days. This means you will miss Saturdays final game. Your season is over Jake. We will meet the week after to discuss disciplinary action."

"I'm so sorry gaffer, I will go right away." Jake got up and left the room, holding back the emotions of the last 15 minutes. He quickly showered and packed, leaving the hotel reception to a waiting black people carrier, to bring him back to Manchester.

He rang Mason, as soon as he got in the car.

"Hey, miss me already?" Mase answered chirpily.

Jake altered his volume to make sure the driver couldn't hear clearly. "Hey, I'm in a car on my way back to Manchester. OGS caught me saying by to you by the lift. He's treating me as a COVID contact and making me isolate for 10 days."

"Oh fuck Jake."

"Which means I can't play on Saturday and he's calling me in the week after to discuss disciplinary action." Jake's heart was pounding out of his chest.

"Jakey, shit, I'm sorry." Mason apologised. "We shouldn't have risked it."

"Well that's great with hindsight." Jake snapped back, irked by the obvious pointed out by his other half. "Fuckkkkk, that's my season done."

"Did he see that it was me?" Mason tentatively asked.

"He didn't mention it, I'm unsure how long he was standing there, I don't think he could of scene your face with the hood up."


"Don't stress about that Mase, I think he'd have said something if he'd have known it was you. I think this would be a very different conversation right now."

"Was he mad?" Mase asked

"We'll he wasn't happy no, but he does a very good disappointed face thing, instead of shouting. I've really made a mess of this."

"Babe I know maybe we haven't made the best choice with this one, but it doesn't make you a bad person and there's not much you can do to change it now. I love you and it will sort itself out, trust me."



Where are you?

Fuck you've been caught haven't you...

Not exactly, ring me when you are back home


Harry M

Ole told me the craic but has decided it's best the whole team don't know the full story.

Let me know when you get home

I'm sorry cap, fucked up here

Look I'm just raging you can't play on Saturday, we all fuck up sometimes so don't be too hard on yourself.


I know you just weren't thinking because the guy I know wouldn't put himself over his teammates, so don't put us in this position again

I know you won't ❤️

You have my word I won't


now you see me - omc x mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now