chapter 8 - best mates have no secrets

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Hendo's jaw was on the floor. Jake quickly filled the silence with the story of what happened the night they played 'Never have I ever' and how it had progressed with them over the week. Dean was still shocked, but a smile of excitement had crept across his face.

"Jake Rivers you sly dog! So wait a minute - this sounds a lot more like a potential relationship rivs than a one night stand, do you LIKE like mase or what?!" Hendo questioned.

Jake paused.

"Fuck it, yeah I think I do you know." Jake admitted, not able to give Hendo any eye contact through embarrassment. The goalkeeper grabbed his best mate's head and gave his hair a knuckle rub.


"Calm down Deano, like I don't even know what's gonna happen like I might get back to England and it turns out it was just a holiday romance thing." Jake tried to backtrack, not letting his hopes get too high.

"Well he'd be an idiot if that was the case. Look, I've got great feels about this Jakey - but whatever happens, we got you dont worry."

"Cheers man."


Thousands of miles away in Dubai, Mason Mount was just boarding a yacht where a group of his mates had checked in earlier, for a week of Middle Eastern fun.

"Oioi here he is!" Declan Rice exclaimed his best mate's arrival, "How was Greece?".

"Yeah you know what it was sick." Mason couldn't wipe the smile off of his face.

"Ah good mase, I'm going to go get showered and changed for tonight. Nobu alright Mase?" Lauren, Dec's girlfriend asked.

"Sounds great Loz." Mason replied, still smiling.

"Alright, ill leave you boys to it." Lauren left the deck and went to get ready.

"What are you still smiling about mase?!" Dec asked, confused at what had got Mason so happy.

"Just excited to be here man." Mase laughed, not keeping a straight face.

"Do I have something on my face? Do I have a weird tanline?"

"Nah bro you are fine, stop pranging out."

"What's happened then because this sure isn't about the 6 hour flight you've just been on." Dec persisted.

"Nah its nothing." Mase giggled, then tried to change the subject, but Declan was having none of it.

"Mason Tony Mount, what the hell are you giggling like a teenager about! Oh shit, this is about a boy isn't it?!" Dec got hyped that he had worked it out. Mase tried to stop smiling but he couldn't. "Ahhhh I am right aren't I? Tell me everything! Shit, was this a random greek guy or something?"

"No it wasn't a random greek guy but it did happen in Greece." Mase admitted.

Dec took a second, shocked. "Was, was it one of the England lads?"

"Shit, Dec, if I tell you this, you can not tell a soul. This isn't just my secret anymore." Mase got a little bit serious in his tone.

"Mase, you know ill bloody take it to the grave. You can still buzz about this stuff with me though and know it'll stay just between us." Dec reassured him.

"Right - I may have got with Rivers."

"NOOOO! I didn't know Rivs was gay? He's a cracking looking guy mase, how did that happen?" Mase proceeded to tell Dec the story of how it'd all gone down and what had happened the rest of the week.

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