chapter 65 - water under the bridge

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"Hello?" George answered his phone.

"Hey Gio - what you up to today?" Jake asked his older brother.

"Well Jess is at work til 5, so I'm just chilling really. Why do you ask?"

"Down in London still after last night, meeting up with all the old England U21 boys. But basically Dean has pulled last night and is apparently not in a state to be human right now, and he was meant to be coming to Stamford Bridge with me to watch Mase. Wondered if you fancied it instead?"

"What time we saying?"

"Half 12 kick off."

"Okay, I'll meet you there? Need to shower and get changed."

"No worries, see you soon."


The brother met up outside and made their way into the friends and family section of Stamford Bridge. They looked down at their tickets to try find their row, when Jake heard his name being hollered from a few rows up.

"Jake!" Tony Mount called out. He looked up to see the Mount patriarch waving; Debbie, Jas and Sam also in the row.

"Hey, how are you?" Jake asked, as he approached.

"We are are good Jakey. How's your mum, boys?" Tony asked bringing Jake, then George into an embrace.

"She's alright thanks, Tony. Think we'd all be lost without her, she's been a rock for us." George answered, as Debbie hugged Jake extra tight.

"So good to see you both." Debbie said over Jake's shoulder.

"Great to see to all too. And who's this here?" Jake smiled at Summer, who was on Jas's shoulder.

"Omg you've not met yet have you? Jake, this is Summer." Jas beamed.

"Hi Summer." Jake gave her little hand his finger to grasp, while she snuggled into her mum's shoulder. "She's so cute, Jas."

"She has her moments." Jas smiled. "How are you lovely?"

"I'm good, I'm good." Jake managed a grin.

"You always know where we are." Jas gave a knowing smile. "And I'm soooooo glad you and Mase are speaking again."

"Yeah, he was a right miserable bastard, so it's nice to see a smile on his face for a change." Sam added.

"Hahaha subtle as always babe, but he's right." Jas laughed.

George and Jake took seats in between Sam and Jas, and Debbie and Tony. The players started to come out of the tunnel and everyone stood up.

"Who'd you thinks got it?" George spoke into Jake's ear.

"I mean, I should hate both teams. But I do want Chelsea to take it, though City will be tough will the form they are in."

"Just give me a score prediction doofus."

"2-1 Chels, you?"

"3-1 City."

"Ooooh, bet the next dinner we have on it?"



Final Score: Chelsea 1 - 3 Manchester City

Both Mason and Phil got on the score sheet, but it had ended in a big home defeat for the blues. As they were in the Chelsea 'Family and Friends' section, George prevented himself from gloating at winning the bet. Instead, he just text Jake from the seat next to him with a victory message.

They all went inside, to prevent Summer from getting too cold, and to greet the boys after the game.

Tammy was first in, bringing it in with Jake and George. "Isn't Dean with yous?"

"No loverboy pulled last night didn't he, and bailed on the game. Said he'd meet us after. Hence why I've drafted in the elder Rivera to accompany me."

"Oooh Hendo, was she a sort?"

"To be fair, she was very out of Hendo's league and I don't get how his chat had secured the deal, but fair play to him."

"Things we love to see. As well as seeing for face Giorgio." Tammy cupped his face.

"Like wise Tam." George laughed. They caught up, as Jas tapped Jake on the shoulder.

"Jake, would you mind holding Summer? Just while I go for a wee, Sam is at the bar shock." she laughed.

"Sure, no problem."

"Thanks, I'll be two mins."

The little girl latched onto Jake's chest, and nussled into his shoulder, clearly worn out from the afternoon's activities. By the time Jas got back, she was fast asleep and Jake said it was fine, there wasn't any need to wake her.

"Stealing my niece-uncle cuddle time, are we?" Mase appeared from behind him.

"Can't help being a Mount family favourite can I?" Jake quipped back.

"Well you look adorable." Mason whispered in his ear, which made him smile.

It wasn't long before Phil also joined them, and they were ready to hit London with the 'Greek gods and grandad' gang. Jake said his goodbyes to Summer and the Mounts, George headed off to meet Jess after work, and the boys headed straight to the bar/restaurant Tammy had arranged for them. A very giggly Dean was already there when they arrived.

"Oi oi, look what the cat dragged in." Phil shouted.

"Afternoon boys, how are we?"

"Not as good as you, by the looks of things." Tammy hugged him.

"So come on then, fill us in!" Mase asked.

"Well, without getting too carried away, I think I've met future wifey." Dean beamed.

"Fucking hell, Hendo. You are serious aren't ya? What the hell happened?" Jake gasped.

"She is honestly perfect. Fit as, smart, funny. We went back to hers last night, it got a bit hot and heavy. Then this morning, we were just chatting for ages and went for coffee. Then we may have gone back to hers for round two. Just an unreal girl."

"So when you were bailing as you were  'too hungover to come to the game', you were sipping coffee and shagging the blonde from the night before. Charming."

"My options were either, 1) watch you stare at Mase for 90 minutes or 2) sex with an unreal blonde. The choice was tough." Dean smirked

"And I only played 78 minutes, so those other 12 minutes you may have had to actually chat to Rivs. Makes your choice more understandable." Mason dug into Jake, to everyone's amusement.

"She sounds great, Hendo. You seeing her again?" Phil asked.

"We've exchanged numbers so we will see, I hope so."

Wooo's went up round the table, as they all took menus from the waiter. "Right boys, how many bottles of wine are we getting then?"

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