chapter 7 - til next time

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Greek gods and grandad

feeks: SOS BOYS - who's back at the villa

mase: me and tam are up and pretty sure Jake and Dean are here too, unsure who else, what's up?!

feeks: I'm in this girls bed, she's gone but I'm legit handcuffed to the bed

tam: naaaaaaaah fam 😂😂😂 wtf

feeks: bro don't, i thought i was uncuffed last night

riverz: oooh feeks is a freak in the sheets pass it on 😈

hendo: gwarnnnn fik 🤣

feeks: lads I've no idea where I am, gonna send my location pls help

tam: can't cope 🤣

feeks: 📍Live Location

tammy: me and jake jumping in a taxi now

mase: right we've had a sweep of the villa and found phil asleep on the beach and solanke in his room. @grandad @dcl where you at boys 😉 any more recovery missions needed?

solanke: wtf happened to you lot

dcl: all good here gents, will see you back at the villa shortly 😏

foden: smooth as always calv, i fucked it last night couldn't stop slurring my words to girl I was speaking to, think she ordered me a taxi 😂😂😂

dcl: I did see you in a bit of a state Phillipa hahahaha

grandad: ngl no idea where I am but I'm 100% bolting rn, see yous soon

hendo: charming mads 🤣

riverz: fik has been retrieved lads, call off the cops

tammy: photo evidence has been recovered dw

feeks: ffs on our way back

dcl: back at the villa - oh fik 😂

feeks: where did you get to DCL??

dcl: a gentlemen never tells - spent the evening with a lovely lady named Sophia

foden: apparently she was very very fittt

solanke: dcl why you being a gent on the gc but telling us she was a sort around the table

hendo: busted

mase: earth to madders??

grandad: sorry lads just finished round two - in a taxi now

hendo: what happened to bolting?!

grandad: she came back to bed and I'm a weak human

foden: hahahahaha

riverz: cba with ya all

tammy: liabilities


The rest of the week in Greece seemed to fly by and before they knew it, departure day had come around. They were all packing their bags to go, and Jake went to Mason's room to check in. The rest of the week had been fairly chill, a couple of stolen kisses here and there but nothing super deep and he wanted to make sure what they said after the night out still stood.

"Hey." Jake open the door and said.

"Hey J." Mason smiled

"Just wanted to give you this back and say I had an awesome week." Jake blushed in awkwardness, also giving Mase back a hoodie he'd borrowed the other day.

Mase threw the hoodie back at him, "Keep it, just give it to me next time I see you."

"Ah thanks. Well, have fun in Dubai with Dec."

"And have a sick time in Ibiza with the United boys."

"I'm back in England in a week, not back into training until a couple weeks after. Text me yeah?"

"Cool, yeah I'm back around the same time. Come to London maybe?" Mase offered

"Sure" Jake replied, barely containing the smile on his face.

The Chelsea boy pushed him against the wall and into a long kiss goodbye, before meeting Jake return to backing his stuff.


domcalvertlewin: best recovery week with the england fam #greekgodsandgrandad

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domcalvertlewin: best recovery week with the england fam #greekgodsandgrandad

liked by solanke, jpickford1 and madders
fikayotomori: brother
solanke: the hashtag hahahaha
jakerivers6: 'recovery'


As he and Dean were on the plane to Ibiza, he sat in the hoodie Mase had given him and stared out of the window. Wondering what the hell had happened to his life this week. Wondering what would happen when he got back to England. He was excited, nervous, terrified all at the same time. Dean looked over at him.

"Jake what's up? - you've been spaced out all day" Hendo asked.

"Nothing just tired like" Jake lied.

"Yeah, you're defo lying mate. Do you forget sometimes that I've literally know you from being 8 and this shit won't fly with me? If I don't get it out of you, Rashy will the minute we get there so..." The three of them had been best mates since they were 10. Dean and Jake were the school year above Marcus but with him only being a few months younger and being the talent he was, he played with them from being 10. They were the first two footballers Jake came out to, and they had been with him through it all; the Alex relationship, telling others, accepting myself. He had worried he wouldn't be able to keep this from the two of them for long.

"Fuck, it's hard to say because I'm telling part someone else's secret." Jake sighed

"Look rivs, cut the shit, you know we are brothers and what you tell me stops with me. What's bothering you."

Deep breath

"I got with Mason in Greece."

now you see me - omc x mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now