chapter 17 - rivera/rivers

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Pulling into the Rivers' household, even Jake got slightly nervous. He desperately hoped his family liked Mason; he knew they would. But he'd allowed himself to fall a little bit deeper for the boy than he'd planned and it made his family's opinion even more important. He knocked on the door and looked back to check on Mase. He looked nervous but smiled back nonetheless. The door was opened Jake's dad, Sergio, an in shape, Hispanic guy in his early 50s.

"Hey dad, you good?" Jake said, embracing his father.

"I'm very good son." Serg replied.

"Dad, this is Mason." Mase climbed the step and shook Sergio's outstretched hand.

"Lovely to meet you, Mr Rivers." Mase smiled.

"And you son. Call me Sergio or Serg" Jake's dad responded, pulling Mason into a hug as he entered. Mason had barely got through the door, before he could hear Jane Rivers.

"Serg! Sergio! These bloody golf clubs. I've already said they are an eyesore, what's everyone going to think seeing these here?!" Jane scoffed.

"That I play golf, Jane, now come here!" Serg called to her. Her footsteps quickened out of the kitchen and into the hall.

"Oh my gosh, Mason! I'm so sorry love, I didn't realise you had arrived," throwing her arms around him in her northern warmness. "And there's me going on about bloody golf! How are you?"

"I'm good thanks Mrs Rivers." Mase laughed. He loved her instantly. She was warm and endearing, just like her son.

"Please, call me Jane." Jane was a stunning lady, hair brown down to her shoulders and body to die for. Her pale, Irish skin radiated beauty. Yet, her personality shone threw, cutting any intimidation her physical beauty may cause. She turned and greeted her son.

"Hi mum," Jake responded, "we are just going to get showered and changed before people arrive."

"Alright love, don't forget to say hi to your siblings when you are up there!" Jake had 3 siblings, just like Mase, so they both got the big family thing. Jake was the second eldest; his brother George was 3 years older than him, then it was him and his twin sister Molly, followed by the youngest of the Rivers clan, Niamh, who was 2 years younger.

"Are they all here?!" Jake asked, in shock.

"They are, all in their rooms. Ooh I love having you all home." Jane glowed.

Jake rolled his eyes at his mother and showed Mason to the stairs. "Me and George got to the English names, and Molly and Niamh got named by Mum, who picked Irish names." Jake explained.

"Is your mum Irish?" Mase asked, based on the lack of Irish accent.

"My grandparents are, Dad's Spanish, but mum forbid him picking any Spanish first names for us kids, because she thought we would get bullied for them." Jake laughed.

"Wait a minute, your Dad is Spanish and your last name is Rivers? I'm so confused." Mason boggled.

"Mase, if you are confused now, you have no hope - Spanish and Irish families aren't small and I've got cousins pouring out my arse so keep up" Jake chuckled. "Rivers was actually Rivera originally, my Dad's parents changed it to fit in when they moved to England. Think Dad was 6."

"I see, so what's your actual full name?" Mase asked.

"Jacob Javier Patrick Rivers or Rivera"

"I can't believe I've never asked that before or that I didn't know that." Mase laughed. "Maybe it's because I thought Jake Rivers was as English boring as names got!"

"Ooh touché, Mason Tony Mount, now let's get up these stairs."


Jake knocked on the first door they came to.
"Come in" bellowed from behind it. Jake opened it and Mason followed him in.

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