chapter 70 - family time

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26 chosen and it was time to spend some final time with family and friends, before moving into SGP for the summer.

Jake had made his way back to Halifax. All the siblings were off doing their thing and so it was just 7 days of him and his mum. Jane had done remarkably well since Serg passed only a few months ago. She showed Jake the new big family photo and portrait of his dad that she'd hung in the hallway. And always as a sign of him in the house, his golf clubs sat propped at the bottom of the stairs, where Jane must have berated him 1000 times about leaving them.

"So love, how are things with Mason?" Jane asked, whilst serving tea.

"I wondered how long I'd be waiting before my love life came into focus." Jake laughed.

"Just taking an interest son!" Jane retorted, smiling.

"Things are okay, things are good. Slow but steady, it does feel right and I don't really know what I'm waiting for to really commit to it again. Something is still holding me back. I think it's I don't wanna get too deep when the EUROs is my number one thing. I don't wanna invest in something that could tear that down if it goes wrong."

"I get that. I suppose it's something you'll have to revisit after the tournament. If you still feel hesitant, maybe it's time to talk it out. But I think you'll view things differently when you can actually focus on it."

"Me too." Jake replied. "It feels good, he's definitely who I want to be with. I think it's just the getting hurt bit that's holding me back, especially when football is involved."

"That's natural after what's gone on though, love." Jane smiled and grasped his hand, before letting go and heading towards the fridge. "Still allowed dessert before the EUROs?"


One morning, Jake and his mum were awoke to a knock at the door and the door bell ringing. Jake went to open the door to a smiling Mase and Debbie, his mum.

"Hey J, I hope we didn't wake you, but mum's off visiting some friends in the north east so thought I'd join for the journey and then just go from here to camp?"

"Well thanks for the prior warning of your two night stay Mr Mount, Debbie is so nice to see you." Jake hugged her.

"Aww you too Jakey."

"Come in, come in. I think mum will be getting to something that's not a dressing gown. Tea coffee anyone?"

"Could murder a coffee." Mase exclaimed.

"A tea would be lovely." Debbie followed, as they entered the kitchen. Jane wasn't long before she followed the sound of chat, into the kitchen.

"Omg, hi all."

"Hi Jane," Mase got up to hug her, "hope we didn't wake you."

"Not at all." She lied, hugging him back. "Debs so lovely to see you!"

"As always my love, how are you?." The two women embraced.

"I'm good, herring through." Jane smiled. "What brings you both up here?"

"Well, I'm off to see some friends for the weekend up in the North East. There's a few of us who get together every so often and just chill and wine in a cabin somewhere. And Mason decided to hitch a ride up north." Debbie explained.

"Hope you don't mind the intrusion, Jane." Mase smiled.

"You know you're welcome anytime, love." Jane responded.

The mums continued chatting away, as Jake and Mase opened the patio doors to sit outside.

"Hi." Jake smiled.

"Hi." Mase grinned.

"Couldn't leave me alone for two minutes?" Jake laughed.

"One was hard enough, so had to see your face."


They sat and put the world to rights, as the morning passed them by.

"I'm bloody starving what's the time?" Jake asked.


"Wonder what Jane's got rustling around in that kitchen." Jake replied. They made their back inside. "Mum, what's the craic with lunch?"

"Well there's loads in, could do some salad bits and some meats. Debbie are you staying for lunch or does the road call?" Jane asked.

"Lunch sounds fantastic, if you don't mind."

"Not at all, more the merrier."

The four of them sat down to a lunch of salad, some poached eggs, a selection of cold meats and cheeses.

"Jees Jane, how've you just whipped this up?!" Debbie said in shock.

"Hahah it's the Irish in me Deb, always prepared for a house load of people."

They chatted about the upcoming football, how excited they all were, and what was going on with Marcus and Niamh in Dubai.

"Southgate didn't say we couldn't go abroad, but I don't think it was top of people's list." Jake said.

"Well," Jane said ominously, "a few weeks ago, he did ask for my blessing to ask Niamh to marry him."

"Oh how exciting!" Debbie gasped.

"Well there we Marcus and Niamh." Mase cheersed. They all sipped their waters, coffees or juices.

"I was thinking Jane, what are you doing this weekend. And why don't you come up to the cabin with me? The girls are lovely and I know you won't be the only newbie as another friend is bringing someone. Come on, what do you say?" Deb offered.

"Oh Debbie thanks so much for the offer, but I wouldn't want to intrude on you and your girls weekend." Jane replied.

"Absolute nonsense, the more the merrier, it's the chillest group of ladies you could ever find, and we just soak in the hot tub, eat food and drink a bit of wine. If you are free, honestly it would make my weekend if you joined us."

"Gwarn Jane, it's about time you upgrades from the 'Halifax Hunnies' group hahaha." Jake joked. In all seriousness, he's unsure his mum would be here without the support from her friends, so to the Halifax Huns, he was very grateful.

"Hahaha behave you, okay okay, as long as you're sure it's fine." Jane said.

"Wooo! Yes Jane." Mase added.

"Oh brilliant Jane! You'll need to pack pretty sharpish though, we probably need to be hitting the road soonish."


The mums went off on their cabin weekend adventure, and it did warm both boys hearts to see their mums bond so well.

"So southern boy, home alone."

Mase picked up Jake and lifted him into the house. "Well, I know how I think we should spend it."

"Give me a preview." Jake said as their lips crashed together.


marcusrashford: luckiest boy in the world that you said yes ❤️ @niamhriversssLiked by benchilwell, masonmount and declanrice

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marcusrashford: luckiest boy in the world that you said yes ❤️ @niamhriversss
Liked by benchilwell, masonmount and declanrice

jakerivers6: weird on so many levels 🤣 jks congrats to you both ily
deanhenderson: YASSSSSSSSSSS
tammyabraham: cuties

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