chapter 68 - a night in porto

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May 29th - Porto, Portugal - Champions League Final

Never in million years did Mase think he'd be here at the age of 21. A Champions League Final. And yet here he was, in his boyhood colours, walking out to a full Estadio de Luz in Porto. He didn't feel any pressure. Man City were expected to win. It wasn't expected to be a close affair. It was a free hit at the trophy and he was going to give it everything.

May 29th - St George's Park

All the United players who were in the England long squad for the EUROs were whisked off to St George's Park the day after their Europa League win. The England group were all gathering to watch the game down in the players' lounge, but Jake wasn't sure he could keep his cool to watch it with everyone.

"Dec, I'm not sure I can keep chill watching this with everyone."

"It'll be alright, we will sit at the back so people won't be able to see you shitting it." Dec laughed.

"Glad you find this amusing, why the hell am I so nervous?"

"Because you loooooooove him."

"Right, I suddenly think I'm going feel way more comfortable around everyone else so you can't continue abusing me."

"You love it." Dec said, scruffing Jake's hair.

May 29th - Porto, Portugal

The opening whistle went. The opening 20 minutes were end to end, with both sides having chances. It remained tight for most of the rest of the first half. Then on 42 minutes, Mendy threw the ball out to Chilly who brought it down and flicked it onto Mase. He looked up and spotted a charging Havertz, so he played the ball into the space in front. Kai played the ball around the keeper and into the open net. 1-0.

May 29th - St George's Park

Jake was glad that Dec made a huge cheer when Chelsea went ahead, as to distract from his own beaming face. Mase with the assist. He couldn't have been prouder. But also could they hold on for 48 minutes? Jake knew this would be a nervy second half.

May 29th - Porto, Portugal

The second half was a battle, all 11 Chelsea men had to put their bodies on the line to prevent City from equalising. 90 minutes ticked by and it was still 1-0 to the boys in royal blue. Mase turned to the side like to see the fourth official hold up 7 minutes of added time. 7 minutes. His legs were screaming, his lungs were burning, but there was no way he was giving this up. Each minute passes painfully slowly but still City couldn't find a way through.

*whistle, whistle, whistle*

It was there's. They were European Champions. Mason dropped to his knees as he was swamped by Tammy and Chilly. He couldn't believe they had done it. As he got to his feet, his first thought was of Phil. They'd shared so many England memories together, he sort out the City youngster. He found him devastated lying on the pitch. Mase picked him up and whispered words into his ear. What was said would stay between them. But cemented their bond.

As the celebrations continued, Mase spotted his dad and brother in the crowd. They walked down and onto the pitch to hug their European Champion. "Son, you did it!" Tony grabbed Mase. Lewis was very emotional, which nearly set Mason off too. He'd done it, he'd really won the Champions League.

May 29th - St George's Park

The final whistle went and cheers of those supporting Chelsea went up. Dec grabbed Jake into a hug at the back of the room.

"Hold it together Rivs!" Dec said into his ear.

"I'm bloody trying!" Jake replied, holding back tears. "I'm just so buzzing for him."

"Yeah so be happy!" Dec laughed. Jake laughed back. He got himself together and rejoined the group. He sneaked a text to Mase: "so fucking proud"


masonmount: WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF 💙liked by chelseafc, jasbenham and mollyrivers

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liked by chelseafc, jasbenham and mollyrivers

declanrice: broski on top 🏆
jakerivers6: ain't gonna hear the end of this one 😂
england: congratulations Mason!

tammyabraham: from south east london to the champions league #dreambigliked by madders, chelseafc and marcusrashford

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tammyabraham: from south east london to the champions league #dreambig
liked by madders, chelseafc and marcusrashford

fikayotomori: so proud of you brother 💙
leahmonroe: baby 💙💙💙
england: congratulations Tammy!

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