chapter 5 - the morning after

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Jake woke up to the sun already shining through his bedroom window, blinding him and instantly made him feel his heavy head from the night before's antics. Dean, who he was sharing a room with, was still fast asleep in the bed next to him so Jake made his way quietly out of his room and out onto the terrace. Tammy and Madders were already up and chilling on a couple of sun-loungers by the pool.

"Morning ladies" Jake chirped as he took a lounger for himself and collapsed onto it.

"Morning rivs, how's the head?" Tammy asked, clearly struggling with his own hangover.

"Not the best, but had worse. Yours?"

"Not fresh bruv not going to lie"

"Gotta be better than grandad's head though" Jake said, throwing a towel at a half asleep Madders.

"God I really played into the nickname being the first one to fuck it last night didn't I."

The boys laughed and all returned to being awfully hungover, in the embrace of the Greek sun. Jake's mind cast back to last night. Mase. Shit, he couldn't let himself think about it too much on this hangover or he would spiral into a stressed mess. How did Mase feel about it all? Was it a mistake? One thing that did make Jake feel better was he didn't feel as alone. Just knowing that Mase was going through a similar situation automatically made him feeler closer to him and less like it was him versus the world. He hadn't known Mason Mount that long. He'd played with him for the first time, only last year, in an England U21 game. He'd always gotten along with him great, they always had a laugh and considered him a mate by the time they'd both got to Italy for the U21 tournament. Jake had often got lost in Mount's smile that he always couldn't help smiling after he'd seen. Maybe he always had a little crush on his fellow midfielder - his fake cocky banter, his laugh and how nice he was. Never did Jake think it would have led to last night. He couldn't lie to himself - he fancied him and last night had been one of the hottest moments of his life. But did he like Mase in a relationship way? Did he want last night to happen again? Jake cut off this line of thought. Why answer all these questions when he didn't even know how Mason felt? Had he come out to anyone else? Maybe Jake was much further down the line of accepting who his was than Mase was?

Jake was pulled out of his deep thoughts by everyone else's arrival at the pool side. He put on his sunglasses to to make his staring at Mase that obvious. The guy looked fairly happy and Jake was just relieved he'd not immediately ran off from the holiday.

"Good bloody morning, one and all" Foden announced as the remaining boys took a seat round the poolside.

"Before anyone asks, no I haven't forgotten that I am on breakfast duty" Hendo sighed.

"Good boy, avo on toast for me please" DCL ordered.

"Dom, you are on holiday you melt, the diet can be thrown out for couple of weeks." Tammy dug into the Everton boy.

"Don't get abs like this tam from weeks off, plus avocado is genuinely immense."

The group groaned at Dom's love for health and all asked Hendo for something egg based. Dean went off to make breakfast, while Mase made his way round the pool to grab a sun longer.

"Morning" he said in Jake's direction, with a big smile on his face. Fuck, Jake couldn't resist his smile.

"Morning, how's the hangover?" Jake replied in as positive a tone as he could muster.

"I feel pretty fresh to be fair, bit of exercise before bed always makes the head clear the next day." Mason said in a hushed tone.

Jake nearly couldn't hold in his laugh. His heart kept in delight, not only at the flirting but at the fact Mason was clearly not overthinking or regretting last night. Jake looked around to make sure they weren't fully in earshot of the others. "Is that right?! Might have to try that then, tonight, see if it improves my hangover tomorrow." Jake retorted, causing Mason to smile even more.

"If you're lucky Mr Rivers" Mase chuckled.

The pair of the returned to basking in the sun, before Hendo called them all to the table for his attempt at a group breakfast. They all wolfed it down, reliving hilarious stories from the night before, with Madders coming in for a fair bit of stick.

"Whats the plan for today then boys" Solanke asked the group.

"I physically will be by the pool all day and not moving, this head is going to take some sorting" Fikayo said, with Madders swiftly agreeing.

"Awww heads' a little sore are they? Well you two can relax then, I fancy a bit of a hike and a nice view somewhere, blow of some of the cobwebs like" Phil offered.

"I can get on board with that" Jake agreed, as did DCL and Solanke. Hendo and Tam said they were going to stay at the villa and recuperate too, which just left Mason, who jumped on board with the hike. The 'hikers' grabbed showers and got ready to leave, shouting bye to the hungover messes, who were by the pool, as they left. DCL had picked a route, up to nice viewpoint, which had great views off the island. They were all sweating in the midday heat but made good progress up the mountainside. Phil and Jake ended up walking side by side for a large chunk of the walk. Phil started by saying he felt like a dick for 'his never have I ever' the night before. Jake reassured him that it was absolutely fine and thanked him for being so cool about it. Phil began to ask him about it all and Jake found himself deep into his life story with the youngest of the group, telling him about how he first told his parents, his United teammates and the others on the trip. Phil listened intently and seemed genuinely supportive in his reactions, which made Jake feel glad he had told him last night. Phil also told Jake about his life, his childhood in Stockport and his highs and lows. The pair continued in deep conversation, making them forget about the insane heat and burning legs, and before they knew it the top came into sight. The deserted mountain top, laced with rocks, provided 360 degree views of the island.

"Great pick Dom, what a view boys" Jake said to the group. Blue skies, crystal seas - Greece really was a beauty.

"Yeah DCL, top pick" Solanke added, taking his phone out to capture the moment.

The five of them sat down and took in their surroundings with admiration, each of them pretty spent after the step walk up. Mase peeled off to look at the view down the other side of the mountain, and Jake followed him over.

"Stunning ey?"

"Yeah beautiful" Mase replied before mocking Jake's northern 'Ey'.

"Look southern boy, I can still go off you pretty quickly"

"Hmm not sure that's going to happen though is it?" Mase smirked.

Jake got caught up in Mason's smile again, cocky shit he thought to himself, and he couldn't have fancied him more. He pulled Mase behind a large rock, out of sight of the others and pushed him up against it. They both made deep eye contact, capturing each other's face for a second, before leaving in to a soft but urgent kiss. They explored each other's lips, as they sank into deep kiss after deep kiss. They both eventually pulled their lips apart, agreeing they should stop and return to the others before they got caught. But it was enough for Jake's heart to feel full. He had no idea what this was, but it felt good. It felt right.

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