chapter 12 - meet the mounts

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jakerivers6: views for dayssss

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jakerivers6: views for dayssss

liked by marcusrashford, declanrice and philfoden
deanhenderson: hmmm they don't look like northern hills to me, stop betraying us #thenorthremembers
philjones_4: if I see you quote game of thrones one more time deano...
fikayotomori: scenes boi

laurenfryer_: date date night night

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laurenfryer_: date date night night

liked by jakerivers6, jessfryer_ and masonmount
masonmount: captions a thinker
declanrice: sick night ❤️
_charlie_keogh: stunning babe


"Final set boys, let's go!" Steve barked as Jake and Mason completed another morning session.

"Shit that was hard." Jake said, in a heap on the floor.

"I'm spent man" Mase joined him, collapsing to the floor.

"Great intensity there boys, love to see it! Gotta fly though so see you both tomorrow." Steve said.

"Can we do an hour later tomorrow Steve? I've got a family thing in Portsmouth tonight and will be driving back in the morning." Mase asked.

"Sure no dramas, have fun." Steve replied

Eventually, Jake got his breath back and raised to his feet again.

"Thought your family didn't live in Portsmouth any more?" Jake inquired.

"They don't, but had to give Steve some form of reason why we need some extra sleep tomorrow. Could be a late one."

"Wild night with the Mounts, ey?" Jake winked

"You know it. Right let's go get showered, I do actually want to show you Portsmouth today. It's not far, you can see where I went to school, my first football club - all the essentials." Mase laughed.

"Can't wait to see the if Pompey lives up to the hype" Jake scoffed.

"Oi, less of the disrespect!" Mase smiled.

"Join me in the shower?" Jake suggested, with a smirk.

"Lead the way" Mase replied eagerly, as the two ran upstairs.

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