chapter 71 - game 1

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Game Day was here.

All sat in their number order, the England boys were receiving their final instructions from Gareth. Soon, they'd be in the tunnel, singing the national anthem, then kicking off their EURO campaign.

"Nerves okay?" Gareth pulled Jake before they lined up.

"Yes boss. Ready to go."

"Give me everything first half, Kalvin will be injected for you or Dec at some point, so I need you both to keep emptying that tank. Let's dominate."

And with that, the tunnel called.


"I'm so bloody nervous for them." Molly could not stop talking.

"They'll be fine, they're ready." George interjected.

"Where the hell is Niamh?" Molly asked, eventually seeing the youngest Rivera sibling take her seat.

"Sorry just been chatting to Marcus's Mum."

"God, it's nearly kick off." Molly hugged into Dan's arm.

"Mol - it's a game of football, you need to relax girl." Jane said.

"You need to relax gurllll, that's a new phrase from you Jane." George laughed.

"Yeah mum, that's from your new girl pals?" Niamh joked.

"Ah you may laugh, but speaking of my new pals, here's Debbie." Jane answered. Coming up the stairs were the Mount Clan, breathless and sweating.

"Omg, hi guys," Debbie said, hugging them all, "got stuck with the Pram in security, nightmare."

"Well, we're here now. C'mon you three lions!" Tony bellowed.

"Oh god they are coming out." Molly exhaled.

"God the 90 mins are gonna be painful next to you." George laughed, followed by an elbow in the ribs from Molly.


"Wooooo." Niamh shouted, as Jake made his way into the bar area.

"Hey, hey." Jake greeted her with a hug.

"Off to a good start." she smiled.

"Yeah buzzing with that, bloody knackered though, chasing Luka Modric round for 90 mins isn't very fun."

"Well, that's why you have big lungs - come one, let's go get a drink, or even better, get George and Jess to buy us drinks."

"The last bit sounds better."

They found George, Jess, Molly and Dan at the bar, drinks already in hand, much to their disappointment.

"Eyyy, well played Jakey." George grabbed him. "1 down only 6 more to go."

"One at a time, Gio." Jake smiled.

"Molly was a nightmare to sit with. The most nervous person I've ever seen." George continued.

"To be fair mol, that was very extreme." Dan agreed.

"I can't help it, I really want you to win!" Molly exclaimed.

"Thanks mol." Jake laughed.

"How long you got before the coach back?" Molly asked.

"Maybe only 30 minutes."

"You better catch mum then. She's with the Mounts I think."

"Of course she is." Jake rolled his eyes in humour.

"Attached at the hip now." Niamh added. "Have you seen Marcus, J?"

"He was still showering when I left so he'll be up soon."

"Okay." Niamh answered flatly.

"Trouble in Paradise?" Jake asked.

"No, No. Happily engaged, thanks. He's just super distant while at SGP. And I just thought when I had the chance to see him person he might afford me more than 15 bloody minutes. But that's football." She smiled sarcastically.

"You know the score, nemo." Jake said. "It's the biggest thing we've all done, so if he's a bit distant, think about some of the pressure that he may be under. And he's just bloody proposed, so you know where his head is at, just cut a bit more slack that usual, yeah?"

"I know I know, I will." Niamh answered, walking off into the crowd.

Jake looked around. Literally everyone was here. He could see Lauren and Dec's family in the corner, Chilly's sister chatting to Jack's girlfriend. He finally spotted his Mum, Mason already on the scene too.

"Hi all." Jake greeted the group.

"Great game, Jakey." Tony complimented him.

"Let's keep it going!" Jas added.

"Thanks guys - felt like a tough one, not going to lie."

"You both did us very proud - onto the next!" Jane smiled.

Both Mase and Jake chatted to their parents for a while before saying their bye's and heading to the coach. As they walked down the stairs, Mason leant into Jake's ear.

"Can't tell you this here or on the bus, but come to my room when we get back to SGP, I've got something to tell you."

"Is everything okay?" Jake said concerned.

"Absolutely fine. Just something I overheard in the changing rooms."

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