chapter 11 - rice, rice, baby

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Jake woke up to sunlight streaming through the curtains. As his eyes adjust, he rolled over to see Mase still sleeping. He couldn't believe he was here sharing a bed with someone, yet alone a 10/10, and a teammate. It'd been so long since Jake had last done this; he savoured the moment and watched Mason as he slept. Eventually, he went over to the dressing table to grab his phone and check the time. 8:30am.

"Come back to bed, J." A sleepy Mase called out.

Jake ran back and jumped on him. "Morning!"

"Morning." Mason smiled and leant in for a kiss. "Breakfast then morning pre pre season session?"

"Can't eat this close to a session, can we have breakfast after?" Jake asked.

"Sure, let's get changed and go then!" The boys threw on some kit and went to a 3G indoor pitch, not far from Mason's house, that he had booked out every morning for the next week before Chelsea preseason started. Mason's trainer, Steve, was there when they arrived.

"Steve, we have a recruit this week." Mase announced.

"Hi I'm Jake, nice to meet you Steve." the United player said, shaking Steve's hand.

"Like wise Jake, can't wait to work with you! What brings you to the capital this week then?"

"Some sponsorship stuff, catching up with friends and family before the preseason starts, bits and bats. So when Mase said he was training, thought I'd jump on board." Jake told half truths, feeling like they needed to keep the circle of trust pretty tight for now.

"Well it's good to have an extra body. Right lads, let's have 6 suicide runs to warm up and then give me 20 sit-ups, 20 squats, 20 push-ups." Steve instructed. An hour and 30 later, both of them were pretty spent and glad for the session to have ended.

"Thanks Steve. See you tomorrow." Mase said as they left the door. "Right, breakfast, then the days our oyster, Rivers."

"Shit me, I'm dying after that. 2 weeks of minimal stuff and I feel like I've never ran in my life." Jake blew.

"Hahaha it'll come back soon enough. What do you fancy doing today then? My parents thing is tomorrow night, Dec has asked if we fancied dinner over at his tonight if you are down?" Mase inquired.

"Sure, sounds fun! Could definitely use a nice walk this afternoon to recover from that blasting, anywhere nice round here?"

"I'm sure I can come up with something." Mase smiled.


Showered and fed; the pair set off for a walk in the Surrey Hills. It was a peaceful and crisp day, they barely saw another soul as they meandered around the trails and paths. The reached a summit and took rest on a nearby bench over looking the countryside. Jake looked around, before he rested his head on Mase's shoulder. They admired the scene in all its glory in the afternoon sun.

"Right I've got a game for you. We take it in turns to give the other a scenario that has happened at your club, but the names are blanks. The other will then try and guess. Get it?" Mase asked, giddied as he loved playing this game with Declan Rice, and Jake offered a whole new set of stories here.

"Yes I do, so if I said; X filled Y's trainers with baked beans but Z put them on thinking they were his trainers. Is that right?"

"Perfect, right.. I'm going to guess X is Jesse, bit of a joker probably is involved in mischief. Y I'm going to say is Shawsy,  I feel like he could be an easy target for Jess. And I'm gonna say Z is David de Gea I feel like him and Luke may have similar taste in shoes." Mase guessed.

now you see me - omc x mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now