chapter 42 - endings and new beginnings

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Jake was awoke by his phone ringing on the bedside table. "Hello?", the grogginess apparent in his voice.

"Hello Jake, it's Ole."

"Hey gaffer, what's up?"

"We have a date for return to training. As of 17th of May, so Monday morning, we can return to small group work. This is on the basis that the we think the league will restart in mid-June. I know you are away from Manchester so I wanted to give you as much warning as possible. See you in 3 days."

"Thanks boss, see you then." Jake put the phone down. Mase had awoke to the sound of the phone call. He checked his phone and he'd received a message saying the same thing. Training back on from Monday.

"Guess this is our final weekend then roomie." Mase smiled, with a touch of sadness.

"Guess so." Jake replied, with a forced half a smile. He got back into bed and into Mason's arms.

"Nice that we have managed to not kill each, ey?" Jake said into Mason's chest.

Mason pulled him in tighter. "Gonna be weird not seeing your face every day."

Jake felt a lump growing in his throat, but forced himself to bite his tongue. He was saved having to attempt a response to Mase, by his boyfriends phone ringing.

"Oh it's my mum." Mase said, as he answered. "Hey mum, what's up? Oh my gosh, ok, ok, keep me updated." Mason hung up the phone. "Jas is in labour!"


The Chelsea midfielder could barely sit still all day after the news. Checking his phone every two seconds. Pacing the house, awaiting news on the arrival of his first niece or nephew. He rang Sam, Jas' husband, to see what he was doing. He told Mase he could go in for the final stages of labour and the actual birth. It clearly made Mason feel better that they'd be together for this special moment.

"Right, labour can take a long time so let's do something to distract you." Jake commanded.

"Okay okay" Mase conceded.

"Nothing like a bit of spirited competition to get the mind focused." Jake winked.

"What do you propose?"

"I'm thinking a multi round game to decide who's just the best? A round of FIFA, a 3 point shoot out at the basketball hoop, then maybe end on a little quiz?"

"I'm in, I'll set up the Xbox."

"Chelsea vs Man United obviously." Jake shouted in.

"Ooh really going high stakes aren't we, Mr Rivers?"

"Go hard or go home, Mr Mount." Jake replied.

The FIFA match was intense, with Mason taking the win 3-2, scoring with himself twice in the process.

"Honestly scoring with your virtual self is the most you thing ever." Jake laughed.

"Can't help that brilliance follows me about, can I?" Mase smirked.

"Can't be arsed." Jake laughed. "Let's take this to the hoop."

Ten shots each, Jake let Mason decide who went first since he won FIFA.

"I'll go first, pile the pressure on you. See if ya crumble." Mason winked. He shot the first three balls, all of them swishing through the net. The next two rimmed out, but he made up for it with three baskets in succession. Mase was giving Jake all the chat as the Yorkshireman looked on, trying not to smile too much at his boyfriend in his element.

The next one dribbled it's way in and Mase had one shot left. "Shitting yourself yet?" he winked, taking his last shot. Jake laughed, when he the shot totalled missed the hoop.

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