chapter 21 - southgate calling

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The training week rolled on into Thursday. Jake was enjoying the routine that the season brought. Mason was just soaking all his first full Chelsea Premier League season in. Jake was in the weight room after his morning session, when Ole called him into his office. Jake got up and followed him, Ole closing the door behind him. The phone on the desk was off the hook and Ole told him to pick it up.

"Hi Jake, it's Gareth."

Oh shit, Jake thought, this is a call to say he wasn't in the squad for the upcoming internationals. He wouldn't get a phone call to say he'd been recalled, it was definitely bad news. Jake's mind spiralled, in the short silence.

"Hey Gareth, how are you?" Jake instinctively replied.

"I'm good thanks, Jake, I'm just calling quickly to give you some news. I'm delighted to say you've been recalled to the England squad for the next set of internationals. I know you were disappointed to not make the nations league in the summer, but I felt like the u21s display from yourself was as good as it gets leaving a tournament in the group stage. Your start this season with United has been exceptional, the team here at St George's Park can't wait to have you back so congratulations."

Jake felt numb as Gareth was speaking. He couldn't believe it. He had been called up again. Jake has felt like the Euros 21s performance may have set him back in his run for reselection. Although he felt he had played well, the results weren't good and he was meant to be a leader in that team. Jake didn't know what to say back to the England manager.

"Wow, Gareth, I'm so grateful for another opportunity. I can't wait to prove that I deserve my place in that team, thank you so much."

"You've proved entirely you are deserved of the call up Jake, I hope to see you bring your consistency into the international environment. The team will be announced this afternoon so please keep this news on the low til then. I'll see you soon Jake, goodbye."

The phone line went dead. Ole was sat smiling at him.

"Well done Jake, I'm very proud of your achievement. For such a long time, you have been a great prospect and now you are proving you are a great player. Now go and share it with the team, they'll be able to keep it hush for a couple of hours."

"Thanks Boss, I'm actually in shock. I thought it would take a bit more of the season to prove myself." Jake was still in disbelief.

"No, my friend, you are what they need. I'm sure you'll show that in buckets while you are there."

Jake left the office and made his way back to the weights room, where the rest of the team were still completing the session.

"What did the gaffer want, Rivs?" Maguire asked as Jake walked past his bench.

"Erm, it was actually a call from Southgate. I've made it back into the senior squad." Jake said, blushing.

"Yes Jakey!" Harry sprang up from his machine and embraced his teammate. "Congrats man, super buzzing for you. Will be like a duck back to water, can't wait to play with you for England!"

The commotion drew the other lads' attentions. "What's going on Rivs?" Rashy asked. Maguire got up on the bench before Jake had a chance to respond.

"Listen in everyone!" Harry's voice boomed around the room, "big moment for Rivs, today he's been recalled to the England squad for the next lot of internationals." A cheer went up round the room and the guys each came and congratulated him. Jake could not wipe the smile off his face.

"You're back bro! Can't wait to have you at SGP as well." Marcus said, who looked equally as pumped.

"I still can't believe it to be honest, so pumped!"

"Announcements at 2pm I think so maybe turn off the phone notifications, got a feeling your socials could blow up." Rashy replied.

"I wonder who else is in." Jake pondered.

"Well it's sort of a guessing game really, if you are usually named and have been dropped, the gaffer will have rang you by now, then he will tell newbies and returners. If you are in and have been for a bit you normally assume you will still be named, if you haven't been told otherwise." Marcus explained. "Plus Southgate only tells newbies like a few hours before the announcement, usually when you're at training, so the news doesn't break before they announce."

"Yeah, I really want to text family and Mase but I'm going to wait. Try wrap my head around it first." Jake said

"Not long to wait like, do you think Mase will have got a call? Been playing well enough I think."

"I really want to ask but fuck then if he hasn't, I'm going to wait." Jake reaffirmed. He couldn't concentrate over the next couple of hours though. He desperately wanted to ring Mase but held his nerve.


england: Your #ThreeLions squad for September's internationals 🦁

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england: Your #ThreeLions squad for September's internationals 🦁

liked by declanrice, marcusrashford and madders
mollyrivers: SO proud
jazbenham: ❤️❤️❤️
harrykane: let's go boys 💪🏻


2pm arrived. Jake refreshed his phone for the announcement, and attentively read through the names... Jordan Henderson, Mason Mount. Mase had made it too. Jake could not contain his excitement and he went outside, and called the Chelsea boy straight away. The phone barely rang.

"Oi Oi!" Mase shouted down the phone.

"What the hell is going on?!" Jake shouted back, excitedly.

"I've no idea J, we've only gone and done it!"

"When did you find out?"

"This morning, been a killer to sit on but wanted to see if you were in first." Mase said.

"Ah same, didn't know whether to tell you or not." Jake admitted too.

"So proud of you man." Mase sounded emotional.

"You too Mase, I'm so buzz we get to do this together."



Greek gods and grandad

tammy: shouting out to rivs, mase and madders on your call up boys - show dem oldies how its done!

dcl: so stinking proud

solanke: yeeeeee bois, buzzing for yous

hendo: lets go! ❤️

foden: yes guys! you'll smash it 💪🏻

feeks: my boys all grown up! (madders you were already grown)

feeks: (still proud)

feeks: (love you)

grandad: cheers boys! grandad showing you how its done!

dcl: humble as ever

rivs: thanks lads, repping you all out there

mase: big love brothers

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