chapter 10 - reunited

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Landing back in Manchester, the United teammates shared a taxi back to their respective homes, which were all very close together. As soon as Jake got into his house, he threw some stuff in a bag, grabbed a shower and jumped in his BMW X5. He texted Mason that he was on his way and he set off down south. His stomach was flipping with excitement and nerves. 'What the hell am I doing' Jake thought to himself. 'How long am I going for? What if it's just awkward? What if there's just nothing there any more?' Questions flung themselves around his head. But nonetheless, something deep inside kept him driving kept him excited at the possibility of what this could be.

His phone rang - it was Marcus. He clicked the green phone on his wheel and the car put Marcus through.

"Yo bro, why can I see you on the M25 on find my friends?!" Marcus asked almost laughing.

"I'm just seeing some family" Jake lied.

"You big bullshitter! I know you have no family in London, cut the shit Jakey, you are going to see Mase aren't you?" Marcus had caught Jake in the lie. So much for low key, Jake thought to himself.

"Alright alright, call off the lawyers fuck sake. Yes I am and I'm bricking it."

"KNEW IT, lover boiiiiii. Chill man you know your secret is safe with me and hendo, just relax and enjoy, see where it goes."

"Cheers rashy, or should I say Agatha bloody Christie! Right detective you are!" Jake laughed.

"Not getting anything past me Rivs. Right I'm gonna fly, just rang to catch you out. loveyoubyeeeeeee." Rashy hung up. At least it'd taken Jake's mind off the fact he was now only 10 minutes away.


He pulled up to the gates at the address Mason had given him, and the gate automatically opened. 'Shit get it together Rivs' Jake said to himself, as he parked the car. He looked up and saw Mason smiling, stood in his doorway. His nerves melted away and he got out.

"So you actually came Mr Rivers." Mason smirked at him.

"Looks like I did, Mount." Jake smiled back. He grabbed his bag and made his way to the door. Mason had moved back into the hallway, allowing the slightly older boy in. Jake dropped his bag, took off his shoes and turned to where Mase was standing. Their eyes met.

Silence settled as Jake moved in and kissed Mase gently. They melted into each other and their hands pulled each other in closer.

"Hey." Jake said as the kiss naturally broke, both their heads still resting on each other.

"Hi" Mase smiled back. The air between the intensified again and Mase grabbed Jake's hand and led him upstairs. As soon as they got into the bedroom, the kisses became shorter and more intense, the each lost more of their clothes until both of them were naked, writhing around in the sheets.

Jake slipped down Mason's body, kissing it as he went, and took his hard dick into his mouth. The Chelsea boy couldn't contain his moans as he put his hand on the back of Jake's head. "Fuck if you continue doing that I'm gonna blow." Mase admitted.

"Not so fast." Jake said, flipping Mase over onto his front a burying his tongue into him.

"Please don't stop" Mase pleaded as Jake sent him to heaven with his tongue. Jake continued, taking great pleasure in his lover's moans.

"Fuck me please Jake." The words took Jake by surprise.

"Are you sure? Have you before?"

"Yes fuck me, I need to feel you inside me. I have before but not in a very long time." Mase replied

"Right I'll make sure I go slow and that you are ready". Jake went back to preparing Mase, which he very much enjoyed. He then slipped a finger inside and let Mase adjust before lining himself up and entering the fit England hotshot.

"Ahhh you feel so good." Jake sighed.

"Yes keep going, jeees it feels goood." Mase could barely string a sentence together. The pair both were in ecstasy, not being able to get enough of each other. Mase climaxed which Jake could feel around his length, sending him over the edge too. The pair were left hot and sweaty messes on the bed, both spent and content.

"Well, that was worth the drive." Jake broke silence.

"Haha, piss off." Mase laughed and hit him with a pillow. Jake pulled him into a cuddle before the two of them jumped into the shower.


Jake sat, freshly washed, at the kitchen counter and Mason cooked them dinner. They talked about how Mase came out to his friends and family, their respective seasons and how each of their holidays had been.

"Jake, I've got to be honest - I told Dec. I'm sorry I didn't consult you on it first but he's super trustworthy and has kept my secret for years and..."

Jake him cut off, "Mase I told Rashy and Hendo - they are the same thing to me as Dec is to you - both of them have kept my secret."

Mase laughed. "Thank god for that, I was nervous about telling you."

"Yeah don't be man. I like that you shared it actually." Jake blushed.

"Yeah me too. Shall we keep each other in the know on telling people from now on?" Mase asked

"From now on, ey? Sure." Jake winked.

"Well if you keep making me feel like you did an hour ago, I guess you can stick around." Mase joked.

They both laughed as they tucked into a very fancy risotto Mase had thrown together. "So what do you want to do this week?" Mase asked Jake.

"Oh a week is it?" Jake smiled.

"If you like," Mason smiled, "Look, my parents are throwing like a family thing before I have to go back to training. I can get out of it if you don't feel comfortable coming, but thought I'd put it on the table." Jake was taken aback by the proposition, but he'd thrown himself into this so far, how bad could it be?

"Sure Mase, would I be going as a teammate or would I be going as the guy you are shagging?" Jake joked, trying to make light of the situation, but also trying to work out what Mase was suggesting here.

"Well I'm not sure I'll be telling my family of the great sex we have, but I wouldn't be introducing you as a teammate, no." Mase confirmed.

"Okay - well I'm in." Jake smiled back as they continued the meal. How'd he'd already agreed to meet the parents, he did not know but everything with Mase felt so right. 'Fingers crossed, ey?'

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