chapter 30 - winter walks

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Greek gods and grandad

rivs: right I've had a look at the fixtures and I think I've found a potential winner...nye. Me and Hendo are at home on the 2nd, Solanke plays Phil on the 1st at City, Chelsea are at Everton on the 1st and madders is injured and so can defo join us - tell me I'm a genius.

hendo: you're a nobhead

hendo: but yeah I'm in

tammy: will have to make sure the gaffer okays it but yeah I'm in too

madders: you just assuming I'm going to come to the driest nye ever when I can drink?!

madders: (I'll be there, Kendall in Dubai with mates xxx)

fik: aye aye captain

dcl: love ittttttt

solanke: may have to escape but will be there, location of gathering?

rivs: my gaff

foden: si mi famalia, what pep doesn't know won't hurt him

mase: say that to his face golden boy! wouldn't dare would ya?!

mase: I'm in tho

foden: fuck off southern boy, like you'd come if frank told you not to you arselick

tammy: 😂😂😂

hendo: tammy laughing because fods is right

tammy: 🤐🤐🤐

mase: why you acting big on here tam, we both know you'll come grovelling to me later 🥱

rivs: settle down children, right so nye at mine, extras welcome but it WILL be chill, no daily mail headlines thank you chaps.




tammy: 😂😂😂

hendo: 🤣🤣🤣

rivs: why do I bother?


The air was biting in the Yorkshire hills, as Jake accompanied his family on a winter walk. Christmas was fast approaching and planning for the festive season had begun. Manchester United had a dreamy festive fixture schedule, playing at home both on Boxing Day and the 2nd of Jan, meaning Jake got to be around home for both Christmas and New Year's Eve.

"So what are your New Year's plans, son?" Sergio asked.

"Well, think a few of the old U21s crew are all coming to mine for some low key celebrations so sound be fun."

"Is Mase going?" Jane, Jake's mum quickly followed up with. Since learning of their relationship, her favourite thing to do was to shoehorn questions about Mason into any conversation she had with Jake. He smiled, knowing that she would ask.

"He is, yes, mum."

"But he's in the south for Christmas Day?"

"Yeah, Chelsea play at home on Boxing Day."

"You're still coming to use Christmas Day, yes?"

"I am indeed mother. Training in the morning then I'll be straight over." Jake replied.

"God, well I'm glad we've established that the favourite child is making an appearance on Christmas Day!" Molly, Jake's twin sister chimed in. They all laughed. Jake did get treated like a bit of royalty when he came home. His parents walked on a bit ahead of him and Molly, discussing how big a turkey they would need this year.

"So, have you adjusted to Nemo and Marcus being a thing now?" Molly asked him.

"Yeah, not going to lie, it was very weird seeing them get off, but once it started to seem like it could be serious, it was fine. Niamh seems pretty besotted and I've not seen Rashy like this for a girl ever."

"God, I'm still so mad I wasn't on that bloody night out, missed all the drama! Have you spoke to Alex since?"

"No, I have tried to text him, felt like I owed him that. But, he hasn't responded."

"I see, are you that bothered?" A tone of already knowing the answer, heavy in her voice.

"No, like he wanted to be friends, text and everything and I just can't do that so it is for the best. I do feel bad though." Jake sighed.

"Well you don't have anything to be sorry for, maybe Mase shouldn't have hit him, but hey we will let that go. Alex was owed one for cheating on you."

Jake didn't respond, deep in thought. Molly quickly moved the topic of conversation on.

"So what you getting Mase for Christmas?" Things had been going really well between Mase and Jake. Since the nightclub fight, they hadn't as much as disagreement over what film to watch. Both their schedules had meant that time together was sparse, but they had made it work. Plus a couple of midlands meet-ups, for a walk (and shag), had seen them through.

"Mol, I can't wait to give it him, it struck me in the moment and I think I've smashed the gift!" Jake buzzed, explaining to Molly what he had got him.

"He'll love that JJ, very meaningful too. When do you think you'll exchange gifts?"

"I've sent his down to his parents. His mum text me
to say it arrived yesterday. Can't wait. Who you got left to buy for?"

"Just George actually, everyone else is sorted what about you?"

"Just the United secret Santa. I've got Shawsy so I'm not stuck on what to get him but haven't got around to it yet."

"Well, you only have a couple of days so you better get yourself into gear." Molly replied. They caught back up with their parents as they path came back to the car park. Jake loved a country walk and any time he got to spend with Molly he cherished. The twin connection ran deep. He was so excited about Mason's present. At least it wasn't long til he gave it him.

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