chapter 38 - bruno

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"3 more reps boys." the strength and conditioning coach's voice rattled through the MacBook speakers as Jake was completing his morning zoom workout with the United boys. He had been careful to choose a neutral background which wouldn't cause questions to be asked about his location. Marcus and Dean knew where he was, but he was careful to not tip the other lads off that he wasn't in Manchester.

"Right, that's it. You're all done for the day now. Don't forget to send through your bike sessions and run times through this afternoon. Enjoy the rest of your day lads."

"Cheers Mike." Harry spoke up. "Who we all backing for the 5k time trial then lads?"

"Money is on Jesse, I think." Rashy replied.

"Nah, all sprint no stamina - I'm going Paul Pogs" Shaw added.

"Meh, annoyingly I think Rivs might have this one." Hendo gave his bet.

"Surely you'll be up there Juan?" Rivs asked Mata.

"I'd like to think so, but I'd throw Dan James in the mix too." He replied.

"Well. have it done by 5pm and posted in the group. See yous all later." Maguire ended the zoom. Jake closed the laptop and made his way to the window. He looked out to see if Mase was done yet with his team virtual fitness session. They were a couple weeks in and so far so good. They'd not had a crossed word, laughing all the time, lots of sex and just enjoying each other's company. The season had been postponed even further so it looked like they would be living together for even longer. Which made Jake very happy. Despite being away from his family up north and the pandemic, he felt very content. Him and Mase were in their own little bubble and it was a welcome change.

He could see Mase had finished his session, so Jake made his way outside to enjoy the sunshine with him.

"Hard work?" Jake asked.

"A toughie to be honest." Mason panted.

"Don't forget, I'm forcing you on a 5k this afternoon." Jake laughed.

"Eurghh, okay. I might die though."

"We both know you are going to beat me, so less of this fake humbleness please."

Mason smirked back at the United midfielder. "Hahaha, we will see."

Jake's phone started to ring. He picked it up to see his brother George's name across the screen.

"Hey bro, what's up?"

"Hey Jakey, I'm after a favour. With Jess taking on more shifts at the hospital and me still working in the office, I'm worried we are leaving Bruno alone too much. Do you think Mason would be open to you guys having him for a few weeks? Does he like dogs? Just until things calm down for me and Jess at work. I'd really owe you one."

"Ahh I see, let me ask him and I'll get back to you, alright?"

"No worries, cheers Jake."

Jake put down his phone. "Did you hear that?" He asked Mase.

"No, who was it?"

"It was George. Asked if we could look after the dog for a few weeks while him and Jess work."

Jake had barely got to the end of the sentence before Mason replied.

"Yes! Definitely, imagine long dog walks, puppy cuddles. I'm in."

"Hahaha right, that was easy. I'll text George and say we'll take Bruno then."


George Rivers

Hey bro, Mase said yes.
Think he's more excited
about the dog then he was
me coming to stay here 🤣

Aww you guys - thank you
so much! Owe you both big
time. I can drop him off
after work this evening say

Sweet - I'll wave through
the door at you 😷

Can't wait 😂


"Last 200 metres. Let's push!" Mason wheezed. Both of them were at full speed, flying around the quiet paths. They were both neck and neck, neither wanted to 5k mark to come and to be behind the other. As the finish line came into sight, Mason edged out in front and finished a second before Jake did.

"Argh. Knew you'd bloody win." Jake gasped, trying to get his breath back.

"In the bag!" Mason laughed, "But 17:04 isn't too shabby."

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy with the time actually. Let's whack that in the United chat. McTominay did a sub-17 earlier though, which I'm not sure anyone will top."

"Fair do's, that's quick! Let's get back though, can't wait to meet Bruno."

George arrived with Bruno just after 6:30. Mason had opened the gate to the garden, so George could take Bruno round the back without going through the house.

"Well isn't this very weird, having to be so far apart. How you doing boys?" George called out across the garden.

"Very good bro, sending you an air hug." Jake replied. Meanwhile, Bruno bounded across the garden and into Mason's arms.

"Hello!" Mason giggled, as Bruno licked his face.

"Looks like he's making himself at home already. Thanks again for doing this, you two."

"No bother, George. Think we will have lots of fun." Mason replied.

"I better get going, but see you on the family zoom this week?"

"You will, catch you then bro." Jake waved. George left and Bruno looked at him out of the window, as he walked down the drive.

"He's been here two minutes and my heart already hurts thinking about giving him back." Mason sighed.

"You big softie." Jake ruffled the Chelsea boy's hair.


jakerivers6: bruno has a new favourite @georgerivers94liked by masonmount, madders and niamhriversss

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jakerivers6: bruno has a new favourite @georgerivers94
liked by masonmount, madders and niamhriversss

trentarnold66: think I have a new favourite rivers fam member 😍
marcusrashford: bruno I love you
georgerivers94: Bruno's loyalty lies with who ever is holding the treats


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